How to Gain Weight in a Week?

How to Gain Weight in a Week?
7 Dino men Wazan Badhaen!

(In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful)

(In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful)

Learn English Grammar

Grave meanings with usage and example

Grave me anings with usage
قبر کا حال تو مردہ ہی جانتا ہے
*Literal-Only the dead knows the condition of the grave.

*Idiomatic-Only the wearer knows where the shoe pinches.

*Meaning-Only the person who is suffering from anything can feel the pain.
So don't rub salt to other's wounds if you can't help them to heal their wounds.

Word missing meanings with usage examples

Word missing meanin
gs with usage examples
Miss یاد کرنا. کھو دینا
I was missing you. مجھے تمہاری یاد آرہی تھی

I....personal pronoun
Was..auxiliary verb
Missing....regular verb
You....personal pronoun

Kafan English meanings with examples

Kafan English meanings کفن
Shroud.. کفن


A cloth in which a corpse is wrapped for burial....

Birthday suit meanings in urdu

Birthday suit meanings in urdu.. Birthday suit usage.

Birthday Urdu ننگا,,,, I think so..
Not wearing any clothes..
Birthday suit is a slang term for the naked human body......

Dirty urdu meanings and usage with sentence

Dirty urdu meanings and usage with sentence

Many ways to say this in English..

You have dirty mentality..

Your intentions are not good..

You have nasty mentality..

You don't think well..

You are an unclean person..

You......... ( personal pronoun )
Have........( auxiliary verb)
Dirty.........(adjective of quality)
Mentality.. ( abstract noun)

Tolerate Urdu meanings with example

Tolerate Urdu meanings with example

Tolerate it. برداشت کریں
Endure it.
Please tolerate.
Be patient.

Love meanings with sentence

Love پیار.. محبت
I am hungry for love.

I....personal pronoun
Am...linking verb
Hungry...adjective of quality
Love...abstract noun

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