How to Gain Weight in a Week?

How to Gain Weight in a Week?
7 Dino men Wazan Badhaen!

(In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful)

(In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful)

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How can i make my body fate - Increase my body weight

I want to make my body fate? Increase body weight?
kia aap mota hona chahtay hen? Fate-Fate-Fate-Fate-Fate
Here are some medical tips!

How To Increase Body Weight?

The basic problem is the less weight or thin and lean mass. 

Look first for the reasons before going to get the solutions:

1. Heredity: Many people are God gifted thin and lean. Since it is God gifted then they either get much difficulty to increase their weight or not at all.

2. Dietary Insufficiency: If the diet is not proper, then it is possible not to gain weight. Look forward to improve the diet.

3. Any Hidden illness: There are certain hidden illnesses that may decline the body weight. Some times a person may get an idea about his or her illness and after getting the treatment, he or she would be fine. Some times however; they require physical checkup. If any hidden illness is suspected then go ahead for physical examination

4. Working more than calories: Every person has his own calorie requirement that is fulfilled by taking food. If calories are less than the activities, then how it is possible to increase the weight? isn't!

5. Medications: Different medication are there that could decrease the body weight. Look for any medication if being used and try to get rid of that.


The best idea is to increase the calorie intake. Different food items possess different and high calories. It is better therefore; to adopt these food items in order to get the solution of thin and lean body mass.

Joining a Gym to increase the muscle mass would also be a good choice. Many of the people effectively able to increase the weight by this technique.

Live a happy and contented life and thanks God always what he has destined you.

Many people have gained weight after marriage. It is also Sunnah to marry. Think over this aspect since it is very effective. 


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