How to Gain Weight in a Week?

How to Gain Weight in a Week?
7 Dino men Wazan Badhaen!

(In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful)

(In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful)

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Best Online Stores in USA, UK CANADA & PAKISTAN

Online business is going very high in every country but mostly in Europe. Online stores are very much. Its difficult to find the best online stores. Online shopping is very easy and the rich people always use online shopping. They don't waste their time by going big cities, they always choose easy ways and best brands which is only possible with online shopping.
In the past about 10 years ago, the online stores were very few but now a lot of online stores are available.
Why people always choose online shopping?
The answer is very simple because of easiness of online shopping. It was very difficult to go to the cities and big shops because of traffic rash and lack of time, therefor people are ignoring these stores and they are using online shopping through online big trusted stores.
Now every one is enable  to buy every thing online belonging to every country. Online shopping is through clicking when you select something from store (i.e. shoes, clothes, cell phones, accessories, electronics, gift, furniture, bags and etc)  it will reach at your door step. The delivery will be made through Post office, TCS etc. When you will get your desired thing at your door step, then you will have to made payments. You have no need to pay before getting the brand.
Where you will find online stores?
Online stores are spreading all around the world. Google has made it easy to find online stores but the thing we should keep in our mind is "Trusted Online Stores" and "Best Online Stores" which will give us the pure, No. 1 and guaranteed brands. About ten years ago the stores were very few with the passage of time online business has made a great progress.
Now online shopping is the necessity of people. The best online stores in UK, USA and CANADA are listed below.

Best Online Sores in USA
These online stores are working regularly and the rates are not high. These are the standard level online stores in USA which are given above.

Best Online Stores in UK‎
For cell phones and related things>

Best Online Stores in CANADA

Best Online Stores in PAKISTAN

You can shop every thing from these stores. These stores are rich with new brands. Some stores are newly born but they get relation with people in a little time. Online shopping is a big achievement of modern world. It is working in every part of World in every corner of countries. We can save our time by shopping online. Some stores made their deliveries in third countries but we should always choose online store of our own country by this we can save our more money and much time.

Meanings of COBBLER with examples

Cobbler (Mochi)
Mender of shoes.


1A person whose job is mending shoes.More example sentences
  • He also worked as a master cobbler, mending shoes.
  • Each small community would have had its local cobbler who produced shoes to fit each individual customer uniquely.
  • The old cobbler who had been mending shoes in the doorway of a building was unexpectedly replaced by a stranger.
a person who mends shoes.
a deep-dish fruit pie with a rich biscuit crust, usually only on top.
an iced drink made of wine or liquor, fruits, sugar, etc.
a fabric rejected because of defective dyeing or finishing.
 I thought it was a load of cobblersMore example sentences
  • It's all a load of cobblers really - the easiest way to ‘disarm’ the country would have been to not sell them the weapons in the first place.
  • The life industry pays lip service to the need for greater transparency, but it's a load of cobblers.
  • I've always thought your clash of civilisations thesis was - as we say here in Britain - a load of cobblers.
    Examples from the web for cobbler
  • The recipe for this easy dessert cleverly uses pancake mix to make the top of the cobbler.
  • Industry and independent observers are now looking for the footprint, and trying to figure out who's going to be the cobbler.
  • After a long day on and off the slopes, sit by a cozy fire and enjoy après-ski drinks and a warm, comforting cobbler.
  • For dessert, bake dried fruits into bread, a cobbler or muffins.
  • He'd left the insurance business by then and was eking out a living as a cobbler.

Meanings of BARBER with examples

Barber (Hajam)
n. hair-dresser
barber's itch, eruption upon the head or the face


A person who cuts men’s hair and shaves or trims beards as an occupation: he had his hair cut at the local barber’s
Samuel. 1910–81, US composer: his works include an Adagio for Strings, adapted from the second movement of his string quartet No. 1 (1936) and the opera Vanessa (1958)


[with object] Back to top   Cut or trim (a man’s hair): his hair was neatly barbered
  • She has 17 years barbering experience and is fully qualified in all aspects of the trade.
  • James Rexroad Fast friends: At home in the Elite mansion, a newly barbered Sammy watches his housemates take a turn.
  • It passed over the sleekly barbered lawns and slightly ruffled the neat rows of asters and cannas.
More example sentences
  • Three local men have volunteered to have their beards shaved by a female barber all the way from Seville.
  • Once you get hooked on composting, you'll even start going after the local barber for hair, and even saving dryer lint!
  • Come Monday he would have his hair cut and take a post-weekend shave at the in-house barbers.
Encyclopedia Article for barber
a person whose primary activities in the 20th century are trimming and styling the hair of men, shaving them, and shaping their beards, sideburns, and moustaches. Barbers, or hairdressers, often provide shampooing, manicuring, hair dying, permanent waves, and shoe polishing within their shops, or salons. See also hairdressing.

Idiom Marshal the facts Meanigns with examples

"Settings, to configure some thing (configuration) , ordering, sorting"
Marshal the facts first then analyse them.

The main word used in this idiom is:


Line breaks: mar|shal
Pronunciation: /ˈmɑːʃ(ə)l
1An officer of the highest rank in the armed forces of some countries: [as title]: Marshal TitoBritish historical A high-ranking officer of state.
An official responsible for supervising sports events, and for controlling crowds in other public events: ground marshals joined the referee and touch judges in trying to regain order

transitive verb

  1. If you marshal people or things, you gather them together and arrange them for a particular purpose.

verb (marshals, marshalling, marshalled; US marshals, marshaling, marshaled)

[with object] Back to top   1Assemble and arrange (a group of people, especially troops) in order: the general marshalled his troops
  1. A marshal is an official who helps to supervise a public event, especially a sports event.   ⇒ The grand prix is controlled by well-trained marshals.
Heraldry Combine (coats of arms) to indicate marriage, descent, or the bearing of office: the quarters include those appearing on the Warwick Plate, but in addition there is marshalled that of Grey

countable noun

  1. In the United States and some other countries, a marshal is a police officer, often one who is responsible for a particular area.   ⇒ A federal marshal was killed in a shoot-out.

Idiom Mince matters Meanings

(Do not come to the point, drive around)
Do not mince matters and come to the point.

This idiom has wide definition. It is a common idiom.
Definition has been cleared when we read it through our mind. Because words are clearing the meanings of this idiom.
If some one is talking and he is trying to ignore the main point, we can say him "do not mince matters and come to the point"
The main word used in this idiom is:
(often as adjective minced) Cut up (food, especially meat) into very small pieces, typically in a machine: minced beef

not mince words (or one's words)

Voice one’s disapproval candidly and directly: his doctorly persona is that of a gruff surgeon who does not mince words
mince  (mns)
v. minced, minc·ing, minc·es
a. To cut or chop into very small pieces.
b. To subdivide (land, for example) into minute parts.
2. To pronounce in an affected way, as with studied elegance and refinement.
3. To moderate or restrain (words) for the sake of politeness and decorum; euphemize: Don't mince words: say what you mean.

Meanings of DISLOYAL with examples

DISLOYAL (baywafa)
Adjetive:Not loyal,distrust,tiger Woods,


1Failing to be loyal to a person, country, or organization to which one has obligations: she was accused of being disloyal to the government[Late Middle English, from Old French desloial : des-, dis- + loial, loyal; see loyal.]

disloyal (dɪsˈlɔɪəl)
1. not loyal or faithful; deserting one's allegiance or duty
(Of a remark or thought) demonstrating a lack of loyalty: disloyal mutterings about his leadership


late 15th century: from Old French desloial, from des- (expressing negation) + loial 'loyal'.

American English: disloyal Someone who is disloyal to their friends, family, or country does not support them or does things that could harm them.She was so disloyal to her deputy she made his position untenable.

Example Sentences Including 'disloyal'

Danny avoided her eyes, inexplicably feeling guilty about sitting next to her, as if he -were somehow being disloyal to his wife.
Dale Brown and Jim DeFelice Dale Brown's Dreamland (5) STRIKE ZONE (2004)
The Jew, of course, and his friends the prostitute, the leper, the hangman, and the disloyal knight of the Round Table.
Killing the Buddha (2003)
For Bush, life is about loyalty, and anyone who discloses a secret is disloyal.
USA Today (2002)
Republicans considered the remarks disloyal because Mr. Bush had worked to help Mr. Specter overcome a tough primary challenge.
Washington Times (2004)

Idiom Odds and ends/ Odds and sods Meanings

Idiom Odds and ends/ Odds and sods
The unimportant things,
Things which are not of use, Which do not need.
They took all their odds and ends with them. 

Try to translate the paragraph given below in your own words or language by using comment box below.
Society remains backward without education. It is the most important duty of the government to provide opportunities for every member of society. To avail himself of these facilities is the moral duty of every citizen. Religious education is also very necessary along with the worldly education. The disease of modern age are the result of race for material gains. Everyone hankers after wealth.  All the spirtual values are disppearing by and by. All the friendships and relationships have fallen a victim of selfishness. In such a world, lucky are those who are contented and do their duties honestly.

Idiom Spur of the moment Meanings with example

Idiom On the spur of the moment
On exact time/accurate time, Suddenly
He applied brakes on the spur of the moment and saved the child.
Exercise for practice.
Try to translate the paragraph given below in your own words or language by using comment box below.
We were very happy in the village. We got up early in the morning, had a bath at the well and went to the fields. We took our breakfast there. Then we spent the whole day on the fields. A cool breeze blew there. At noon we sat under the trees, had our lunch and the we enjoyed a short nap. There flowed a stream out of the village. Its water was very clean. In the rainy season, green grass grew in abundance everywhere on the bank of the stream. 

Idiom Let the cat of the bag Urdu+Eng meanings with examples

 (Raz afsha kerna)
He did not even let the cat out of the bag.
(Us nay raz afsha nah kia)

The main word used in this idiom is:

verb (used with object), let, letting.
to allow or permit:
to let him escape.
to allow to pass, go, or come:
to let us through.
to grant the occupancy or use of (land, buildings, rooms, space, etc., or movable property) for rent or hire (sometimes followed by out).
to contract or assign for performance, usually under a contract:
to let work to a carpenter.
to cause to; make:
to let one know the truth.
(used in the imperative as an auxiliary expressive of a request, command, warning, suggestion, etc.):
Let me see. Let us go. Just let them try it!
verb (used without object), let, letting.
to admit of being rented or leased:
The apartment lets for $100 per week.
British. a lease.
Verb phrases
let down,
  1. to disappoint; fail.
  2. to betray; desert.
  3. to slacken; abate:
    We were too near success to let down in our efforts.
  4. to allow to descend slowly; lower.
  5. Aeronautics. (of an airplane) to descend from a higher to a lower altitude preparatory to making an approach and landing or a similar maneuver.
let in,
  1. to admit.
  2. to involve (a person) in without his or her knowledge or permission:
    to let someone in for a loss.
  3. Also, let into. to insert into the surface of (a wall or the like) as a permanent addition:
    to let a plaque into a wall.
  4. Also, let in on. to share a secret with; permit to participate in.
let off,
  1. to release by exploding.
  2. to free from duty or responsibility; excuse.
  3. to allow to go with little or no punishment; pardon:
    The judge let off the youthful offender with a reprimand.
let on,
  1. to reveal one's true feelings:
    She was terrified at the prospect, but didn't let on.
  2. to pretend:
    They let on that they didn't care about not being invited, but I could tell that they were hurt.
let out,
  1. to divulge; make known.
  2. to release from confinement, restraint, etc.
  3. to enlarge (a garment).
  4. to terminate; be finished; end:
    When does the university let out for the summer?
  5. to make (a let-out fur or pelt).
let up,
  1. to slacken; diminish; abate:
    This heat wave should let up by the end of the week.
  2. to cease; stop:
    The rain let up for a few hours.
let up on, to treat less severely; be more lenient with:
He refused to let up on the boy until his grades improved.
let alone. alone.
let be,
  1. to refrain from interference.
  2. to refrain from interfering with.
let go.
let someone have it, Informal. to attack or assault, as by striking, shooting, or rebuking:
The gunman threatened to let the teller have it if he didn't move fast.

Idiom Once for all Urdu+English meanings and examples

Urdu meanings: Qiti tor per, hamesha kay liye
English meanings: Forever, Totally, completely
Usage: I have broken with him once for all.
(Menay hamesha kay liye us say tal'luqat khatam ker liye hen.)

The main word used in this idiom is:
at one time in the past; formerly:
I was a farmer once; a once powerful nation.
a single time:
We ate there just once. We go to a movie once a week.
even a single time; at any time; ever:
If the facts once become known, it will be just too bad.
by a single step, degree, or grade:
a cousin once removed.
former; having at one time been:
the once and future king.
if or when at any time; if ever.
whenever; as soon as:
Once you're finished, you can leave.
a single occasion; one time only:
Once is enough.
all at once,
  1. simultaneously:
    The children were running, screaming, and throwing things all at once.
  2. suddenly:
    All at once the rain came down.
at once,
  1. at the same time; simultaneously:
    Don't all speak at once.
  2. immediately; promptly:
    Tell him to come at once!
once and again, repeatedly:
He has been told once and again not to slam the door.
once and for all, decisively; finally:
Let's settle this problem once and for all.
Also, once for all.
once in a while, at intervals; occasionally:
She stops in to see us once in a while.
once or twice, a very few times; infrequently:
I've seen her in the elevator once or twice.
once upon a time, at some unspecified past time, especially a long time ago:
Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there lived a prince and princess.


the whole of (used in referring to quantity, extent, or duration):
all the cake; all the way; all year.
the whole number of (used in referring to individuals or particulars, taken collectively):
all students.
the greatest possible (used in referring to quality or degree):
with all due respect; with all speed.
all kinds; all sorts.
any; any whatever:
beyond all doubt.
nothing but; only:
The coat is all wool.
dominated by or as if by the conspicuous possession or use of a particular feature:
The colt was all legs. They were all ears, listening attentively to everything she said.
Chiefly Pennsylvania German. all gone; consumed; finished:
The pie is all.
the whole quantity or amount:
He ate all of the peanuts. All are gone.
the whole number; every one:
all of us.
Is that all you want to say? All is lost.
one's whole interest, energy, or property:
to give one's all; to lose one's all.
(often initial capital letter) the entire universe.
wholly; entirely; completely:
all alone.
only; exclusively:
He spent his income all on pleasure.
each; apiece:
The score was one all.
Archaic. even; just.
above all, before everything else; chiefly:
Above all, the little girl wanted a piano.
after all, in spite of the circumstances; notwithstanding:
He came in time after all.
all at once.
all but, almost; very nearly:
These batteries are all but dead.
all in, Northern and Western U.S. very tired; exhausted:
We were all in at the end of the day.
all in all,
  1. everything considered; in general:
    All in all, her health is greatly improved.
  2. altogether:
    There were twelve absentees all in all.
  3. everything; everything regarded as important:
    Painting became his all in all.
all in hand, Printing, Journalism. (of the copy for typesetting a particular article, book, issue, etc.) in the possession of the compositor.
all in the wind, Nautical. too close to the wind.
all out, with all available means or effort:
We went all out to win the war.
all over,
  1. finished; done; ended.
  2. everywhere; in every part.
  3. in every respect; typically.
all standing, Nautical.
  1. in such a way and so suddenly that sails or engines are still set to propel a vessel forward:
    The ship ran aground all standing.
  2. fully clothed:
    The crew turned in all standing.
  3. fully equipped, as a vessel.
all that, remarkably; entirely; decidedly (used in negative constructions):
It's not all that different from your other house.
all the better, more advantageous; so much the better:
If the sun shines it will be all the better for our trip.
all there, Informal. mentally competent; not insane or feeble-minded:
Some of his farfetched ideas made us suspect that he wasn't all there.
all the same.
all told.
all up,
  1. Printing, Journalism. (of copy) completely set in type.
  2. Informal. with no vestige of hope remaining:
    It's all up with George—they've caught him.
and all, together with every other associated or connected attribute, object, or circumstance:
What with the snow and all, we may be a little late.
at all,
  1. in the slightest degree:
    I wasn't surprised at all.
  2. for any reason:
    Why bother at all?
  3. in any way:
    no offense at all.
for all (that), in spite of; notwithstanding:
For all that, it was a good year.
in all, all included; all together:
a hundred guests in all.
once and for all, for the last time; finally:
The case was settled once and for all when the appeal was denied.

SLEEP urdu+english meanings with examples

Urdu meanings: Sona
Let me sleep
(Mujhay sonay do)

verb (used without object), slept, sleeping.
to take the rest afforded by a suspension of voluntary bodily functions and the natural suspension, complete or partial, of consciousness; cease being awake.
Botany. to assume, especially at night, a state similar to the sleep of animals, marked by closing of petals, leaves, etc.
to be dormant, quiescent, or inactive, as faculties.
to be careless or unalert; allow one's alertness, vigilance, or attentiveness to lie dormant:
While England slept, Germany prepared for war.
to lie in death:
They are sleeping in their tombs.
verb (used with object), slept, sleeping.
to take rest in (a specified kind of sleep):
He slept the sleep of the innocent.
to accommodate for sleeping; have sleeping accommodations for:
This trailer sleeps three people.
to spend or pass in sleep (usually followed by away or out):
to sleep the day away.
to recover from the effects of (a headache, hangover, etc.) by sleeping (usually followed by off or away).
the state of a person, animal, or plant that sleeps.
a period of sleeping :
a brief sleep.
dormancy or inactivity.
the repose of death.
Verb phrases
sleep around, Informal. to have sexual relations with many partners, especially in a casual way; be sexually promiscuous.
sleep in,
  1. (especially of domestic help) to sleep where one is employed.
  2. to sleep beyond one's usual time of arising.
sleep on, to postpone making a decision about for at least a day:
to sleep on a proposal till the end of the week.
sleep out,
  1. (especially of domestic help) to sleep away from one's place of employment.
  2. Chiefly Northern U.S. to sleep away from one's home.
  3. to sleep outdoors.
sleep over, to spend one or more nights in a place other than one's own home:
Two friends will sleep over this weekend.
sleep together, to be sexual partners; have a sexual relationship.
sleep with, to have sexual relations with.
sleep in Science sleep
A natural, reversible state of rest in most vertebrate animals, occurring at regular intervals and necessary for the maintenance of health. During sleep, the eyes usually close, the muscles relax, and responsiveness to external stimuli decreases. Growth and repair of the tissues of the body are thought to occur, and energy is conserved and stored. In humans and certain other animals, sleep occurs in five stages, the first four consisting of non-REM sleep and the last stage consisting of REM sleep. These stages constitute a sleep cycle that repeats itself about five times during a normal episode of sleep. Each cycle is longer that the one preceding it because the length of the REM stage increases with every cycle until waking occurs. Stage I is characterized by drowsiness, Stage II by light sleep, and Stages III and IV by deep sleep. Stages II and III repeat themselves before REM sleep (Stage V), which occurs about 90 minutes after the onset of sleep. During REM sleep, dreams occur, and memory is thought to be organized. In the stages of non-REM sleep, there are no dreams, and brain activity decreases while the body recovers from wakeful activity. The amount and periodicity of sleep in humans vary with age, with infants sleeping frequently for shorter periods, and mature adults sleeping for longer uninterrupted periods.

THIEF urdu+english meanings with examples

The thief has been caught.
(Chor pakra gya hai)

The thief was punished.
(Chor ko saza di gyi)

noun, plural thieves.

a person who steals, especially secretly or without open force; one guilty of theft or larceny.

burglar, pickpocket, highwayman. Thief, robber refer to one who steals. A thief takes the goods or property of another by stealth without the latter's knowledge: like a thief in the night. A robber trespasses upon the house, property, or person of another, and makes away with things of value, even at the cost of violence: A robber held up two women on the street.

Examples from the web for thief
  • If a thief steals one, they'd be able to sell it for a lot of money.
  • The marginal cost of time vs the marginal gain of the item the thief steals.
  • The thief who steals your newspaper is admittedly a scuzzball, but mostly elicits annoyance and contempt.
  • If you think you face difficult times, imagine you're a car thief.
  • The thief did not even bother to re-copy the report.
  • Of course, it is open to a thief who believes his swag might have been so marked to attempt such cleaning himself.
  • The alleged thief was taken into custody but no charges were brought for lack of evidence.
  • He apparently believes this is a question of moral right vs moral wrong, righteous property owner versus thief.
  • Or perhaps cities with more guns might be better as the thief is unlikely to know about any given household.
  • It turns out the thief has entered my pocket, and left with my goods, through the phone itself.

Word Origin
Old English thēof; related to Old Frisian thiāf, Old Saxon thiof, Old High German diob, Old Norse thjōfr, Gothic thiufs
Word Origin and History for thief
Old English þeof, from Proto-Germanic *theubaz (cf. Old Frisian thiaf, Old Saxon thiof, Middle Dutch dief, Old High German diob, German dieb, Old Norse þiofr, Gothic þiufs), probably from PIE *teup- (cf. Lithuanian tupeti "to crouch down").

Word of the day is TODAY

It is Thursday today.
(Aaj jumerat hai) 

this present day:
Today is beautiful.
this present time or age:
the world of today.
on this present day:
I will do it today.
at the present time; in these days:
Today you seldom see horses.
Informal. of the present era; up-to-date:
the today look in clothing styles.

Examples from the web for today
  • There is something crazy about what is going on in our country today.
  • The first is that even today it struggles to provide for its people.
  • Some philosophers today are doing more than thinking deeply.
  • So much of science today revolves around using human biological tissue of some kind.
  • It's more or less impossible to define hysteria in a way that a physician today would find acceptable.
  • Our bodies weren't designed to process the foods and beverages that people are in-taking today.
  • Even today researchers argue about what separates modern humans from other, extinct hominids.
  • Go to the national geographic web site and you will see the oil that is still there today.
  • today the painting's value is measured in the millions.
  • today it seems nearly as unspoiled as it was many years ago.

Word Origin and History for today
Old English todæge, to dæge "on (the) day," from to "at, on" + dæge, dative of dæg "day" . Generally written as two words until 16c., after which it usually was written to-day until early 20c.

Similar constructions exist in other Germanic languages (cf. Dutch van daag "from-day," Danish and Swedish i dag "in day"). German heute is from Old High German hiutu, from Proto-Germanic *hiu tagu "on (this) day," with first element from PIE pronomial stem *ki-, represented by Latin cis "on this side."

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