How to Gain Weight in a Week?

How to Gain Weight in a Week?
7 Dino men Wazan Badhaen!

(In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful)

(In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful)

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Abbreviations Start with the Alphabet E

Abbreviations Start with the Alphabet E


E is an abbreviation of elastance
E is an abbreviation of electromotive force
E is an abbreviation of energy
E is an abbreviation of expectation
E&M is an abbreviation of endocrine and metabolic
E&M is an abbreviation of endocrine and metabolism
E. acervulina is an abbreviation of Eimeria acervulina
E. aerofaciens is an abbreviation of Eubacterium aerofaciens
E. altensteinii is an abbreviation of Encephalartos altensteinii
E. americanus is an abbreviation of Esox americanus
E. amstelodami is an abbreviation of Eurotium amstelodami
E. amylovora is an abbreviation of Erwinia amylovora
E. annulipes is an abbreviation of Euborellia annulipes
E. arenarius is an abbreviation of Encephalartos arenarius
E. arnottianum is an abbreviation of Eupatorium arnottianum
E. avoceti is an abbreviation of Eurycestus avoceti
E. azurea is an abbreviation of Eichhornia azurea
E. bieneusi is an abbreviation of Enterocytozoon bieneusi
E. borealis is an abbreviation of Echinorhynchus borealis
E. borealis is an abbreviation of Epilachna borealis
E. bornea is an abbreviation of Eos bornea
E. brachy is an abbreviation of Eubacterium brachy
E. brayi is an abbreviation of Echinorhynchus brayi
E. burchelli is an abbreviation of Equus burchelli
E. californiensis is an abbreviation of Euhaplorichis californiensis
E. caninus is an abbreviation of Elymus caninus
E. caproni is an abbreviation of Echinostoma caproni
E. carinatus is an abbreviation of Echis carinatus
E. chattoni is an abbreviation of Entamoeba chattoni
E. chevalieri is an abbreviation of Eurotium chevalieri
E. cichoracearum is an abbreviation of Erysiphe cichoracearum
E. concolor is an abbreviation of Erinaceus concolor
E. corallodendron is an abbreviation of Erythrina corallodendron
E. cruciferarum is an abbreviation of Erysiphe cruciferarum
E. echinatum is an abbreviation of Echinostoma echinatum
E. equi is an abbreviation of Ehrlichia equi
E. equisetina is an abbreviation of Ephedra equisetina
E. exiguum is an abbreviation of Eubacterium exiguum
E. fergusonii is an abbreviation of Escherichia fergusonii
E. ferox is an abbreviation of Encephalartos ferox
E. fluviatile is an abbreviation of Equisetum fluviatile
E. fossor is an abbreviation of Eubacterium fossor
E. fuscus is an abbreviation of Eptesicus fuscus
E. gerardiana is an abbreviation of Ephedra gerardiana
E. gergoviae is an abbreviation of Enterobacter gergoviae
E. giganteus is an abbreviation of Erianthus giganteus
E. granulosus is an abbreviation of Echinococcus granulosus
E. grylli is an abbreviation of Entomophaga grylli
E. guttiger is an abbreviation of Eysarcoris guttiger
E. hartmanni is an abbreviation of Entamoeba hartmanni
E. hemionus is an abbreviation of Equus hemionus
E. herbariorum is an abbreviation of Eurotium herbariorum
E. hirsti is an abbreviation of Eutrombicula hirsti
E. hirta is an abbreviation of Euphorbia hirta
E. histolytica is an abbreviation of Entamoeba histolytica
E. horridus is an abbreviation of Encephalartos horridus
E. ictaluri is an abbreviation of Edwardsiella ictaluri
E. indica is an abbreviation of Eleusine indica
E. intermedia is an abbreviation of Ephedra intermedia
E. intermedium is an abbreviation of Eurotium intermedium
E. intestinalis is an abbreviation of Encephalitozoon intestinalis
E. invadens is an abbreviation of Entamoeba invadens
E. lanatus is an abbreviation of Encephalartos lanatus
E. lata is an abbreviation of Eutypa lata
E. latifrons is an abbreviation of Encephalartos latifrons
E. latifrons Lehmann is an abbreviation of Encephalartos latifrons Lehmann
E. lehmannii is an abbreviation of Encephalartos lehmannii
E. lehmannii Lehmann is an abbreviation of Encephalartos lehmannii Lehmann
E. longifolius is an abbreviation of Encephalartos longifolius
E. malaccensis is an abbreviation of Eugenia malaccensis
E. megachondrus is an abbreviation of Enodiotrema megachondrus
E. milii is an abbreviation of Euphorbia milii
E. multilocularis is an abbreviation of Echinococcus multilocularis
E. murinus is an abbreviation of Eunectes murinus
E. mutabilis is an abbreviation of Elymus mutabilis
E. nana is an abbreviation of Endolimax nana
E. nevadensis is an abbreviation of Ephedra nevadensis
E. nigricans is an abbreviation of Enchelycore nigricans
E. nigricans is an abbreviation of Entomacrodus nigricans
E. orontii is an abbreviation of Erysiphe orontii
E. paraensei is an abbreviation of Echinostoma paraensei
E. patas is an abbreviation of Erythrocebus patas
E. peplus is an abbreviation of Euphorbia peplus
E. pilosa is an abbreviation of Eragrostis pilosa
E. pinea is an abbreviation of Euphorbia pinea
E. plumieri is an abbreviation of Eugerres plumieri
E. princeps is an abbreviation of Encephalartos princeps
E. przewalskii is an abbreviation of Ephedra przewalskii
E. przewalskii is an abbreviation of Equus przewalskii
E. pugione is an abbreviation of Empyreuma pugione
E. pulcherrima is an abbreviation of Euphorbia pulcherrima
E. repens is an abbreviation of Eurotium repens
E. resinifera is an abbreviation of Euphorbia resinifera
E. royleana is an abbreviation of Euphorbia royleana
E. ruber is an abbreviation of Eudocimus ruber
E. rubrum is an abbreviation of Eurotium rubrum
E. sakazakii is an abbreviation of Enterobacter sakazakii
E. salmonis is an abbreviation of Enterocytozoon salmonis
E. schimperiana is an abbreviation of Euphorbia schimperiana
E. schistosa is an abbreviation of Enhydrina schistosa
E. schlegeli is an abbreviation of Eudyptes schlegeli
E. schoeniclus is an abbreviation of Emberiza schoeniclus
E. scolopacea is an abbreviation of Eudynamys scolopacea
E. senegalensis is an abbreviation of Eupodotis senegalensis
E. sessiliflora is an abbreviation of Euphorbia sessiliflora
E. spectabile is an abbreviation of Etheostoma spectabile
E. stramineus is an abbreviation of Eomenacanthus stramineus
E. subhastatum is an abbreviation of Eupatorium subhastatum
E. teres is an abbreviation of Etrumeus teres
E. tonophilum is an abbreviation of Eurotium tonophilum
E. trispinosus is an abbreviation of Encephalartos trispinosus
E. trivolvis is an abbreviation of Echinostoma trivolvis
E. umbrosum is an abbreviation of Eurotium umbrosum
E. vermicularis is an abbreviation of Enterobius vermicularis
E. viridis is an abbreviation of Ephedra viridis
E. vogeli is an abbreviation of Echinococcus vogeli
E.M.S. is an acronym for Emergency Medical Service
E.R.A. is an acronym for Electroshock Research Assocation
E/M is an acronym for electron microscope
E/M is an acronym for electron microscopy
E1A is an acronym for early region 1A
E1B is an acronym for early region 1B
EA is an acronym for educational age
EA is an acronym for electroacupuncture
EA is an acronym for epidural anesthesia
EAA is an acronym for electroacupuncture analgesia
EAA is an acronym for Epilepsy Association of America
EAA is an acronym for essential amino acid
EAA is an acronym for excitatory amino acid
EAA is an acronym for extrinsic allergic alveolitis
EABAAI is an abbreviation of ethyl 4-azidobenzoylaminoacetimidate
EAC is an acronym for erythrocyte antibody complement
EAE is an acronym for experimental allergic encephalomyelitis
EAN is an acronym for experimental allergic neuritis
EAP is an acronym for electroacupuncture
EAP is an acronym for epiallopregnanolone
EAP is an acronym for erythrocyte acid phosphatase
EAP is an acronym for evoked action potential
EB is an acronym for elementary body
EB is an acronym for Epstein-Barr
EB virus is an acronym for Epstein-Barr virus
EBA is an acronym for epidermolysis bullosa acquisita
EBA is an acronym for epidermolysis bullosa atrophicans
EBA is an acronym for orthoethoxybenzoic acid
EBBA is an acronym for N-(4-ethoxybenzylidene)-4-butylaniline
EBNA is an acronym for Epstein-Barr nuclear antigen
EBNA1 is an acronym for Epstein-Barr virus nuclear antigen 1
EBNU is an abbreviation of 1,1-ethylenebis(1-nitrosourea)
EBP is an abbreviation of estradiol-binding protein
EBPADM is an acronym for ethoxylated bis-phenol A dimethacrylate
EBS is an acronym for elastic back strap
EBS is an acronym for electric brain stimulation
EBS is an acronym for emergency bed service
EBS is an acronym for epidermolysis bullosa simplex
EBV is an acronym for effective blood volume
EBV is an acronym for Epstein-Barr virus
EC is an acronym for endothelial cell
EC is an acronym for Enzyme Commission
EC is an acronym for extracranial
ECCDRF is an abbreviation of embryonal carcinoma cell differentiation retarding factor
ECCL is an acronym for encephalocraniocutaneous lipomatosis
ECD is an abbreviation of electrochemical detector
ECD is an abbreviation of electron capture detector
ECD is an abbreviation of endocardial cushion defect
ECD is an abbreviation of enzymatic cell dispersion
ECF is an acronym for East Coast fever
ECF is an acronym for effective capillary flow
ECF is an acronym for enterocutaneous fistula
ECF is an acronym for eosinophil chemotactic factor
ECF is an acronym for eosinophilic chemotactic factor
ECF is an acronym for epirubicin, cisplatin and continuous 5-fluorouracil infusion
ECF is an acronym for erythroid colony formation
ECF is an acronym for executive control function
ECF is an acronym for extended care facility
ECF is an acronym for extracellular fluid
ECF is an acronym for extracytoplasmic function
ECF-A is an acronym for eosinophil chemotactic factor of anaphylaxis
ECG is an abbreviation of electrocardiogram
EC-IC bypass is an abbreviation of extracranial-intracranial arterial bypass
EC-IC bypass is an abbreviation of extraintracranial artery bypass
EC-IC bypass is an abbreviation of extraintracranial bypass
EC-IC is an acronym for extracranial-intracranial
ECl is an abbreviation of equilibrium potential for chloride
ECL is an acronym for emitter-coupled logic
ECL is an acronym for enhanced chemiluminescence
ECL is an acronym for enterochromaffin-like
ECL is an acronym for euglobin clot lysis
ECL is an acronym for external canal ligation
ECL is an acronym for extracorporeal lithotripsy
ECM is an abbreviation of extracellular matrix
ECMO is an acronym for enteric cytopathic monkey orphan
ECMO is an acronym for enteric cytopathogenic monkey orphan
ECMO is an acronym for extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
ECMO is an acronym for extracorporeal membrane oxygenator
ECOG is an acronym for Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group
EcoRI is an acronym for Escherichia coli restriction enzyme I
EcorL is an acronym for Erythrina corallodendron lectin
EcoRV is an acronym for Escherichia coli restriction enzyme V
ecotropic MuLV is an acronym for ecotropic murine leukemia virus
ECP is an acronym for ectrodactyly-cleft palate
ECP is an acronym for effector cell precursor
ECP is an acronym for endocardial potential
ECP is an acronym for eosinophil cationic protein
ECP is an acronym for erythrocyte coproporphyrin
ECP is an acronym for erythroid committed precursor
ECP is an acronym for Escherichia coli polypeptide
ECP is an acronym for estradiol cyclopentane propionate
ECP is an acronym for external cardiac pressure
ECP is an acronym for external counterpulsation
ECP is an acronym for free cytoporphyrin of erythrocytes
ECPCA is an abbreviation of endothelial cell procoagulant activity
ECT is an acronym for electroconvulsive therapy
ECT is an acronym for enhanced computed tomography
ecto-ADPase is an acronym for ecto-adenosine diphosphatase
ectoATPase is an acronym for ecto-adenosine triphosphatase
ectoNTPPHase is an acronym for ectonucleotide pyrophosphohydrolase
ecto-PAPase is an acronym for ecto-phosphatidic acid phosphohydrolase
ECW is an acronym for extracellular water
ED is an abbreviation of effective dose
ED is an abbreviation of erythema dose
ED is an abbreviation of extensive disease
ED50 is an abbreviation of median effective dose
EDAC is an acronym for 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminoethyl)carbodiimide
EDAMS is an acronym for encephalo-duro-arterio-myo-synangiosis
EDAS is an acronym for encephalo-duro-arterio-synangiosis
EDBHA is an abbreviation of ethylenediamine-N,N'-bis(2-hydroxyphenylacetic acid)
EDBPHA is an abbreviation of ethylenediamine-N,N'-bis(2-hydroxyphenylacetic acid)
EDCME is an abbreviation of estradiol-3-O-carboxymethyl ether
EDDFHA is an acronym for (E)-5',6'-didehydro-6'-deoxy-6'-fluorohomoadenosine
EDDIHA is an acronym for 5',6'-didehydro-6'-deoxy-6'-iodohomoadenosine
Edg is an acronym for endothelial differentiation gene
EDGF is an acronym for eye-derived growth factor
EDH is an acronym for epidural hematoma
EDH is an acronym for extradural hematoma
EDHF is an acronym for endothelium-dependent hyperpolarization factor
EDHPCD is an acronym for 17-estradiol hydroxypropylcyclodextrin complex
EDI is an abbreviation of Eating Disorder Instrument
EDI is an abbreviation of Eating Disorder Inventory
EDIM is an acronym for epizootic diarrhea of infant mice
EDIN is an abbreviation of epidermal cell differentiation inhibitor
EDKC is an abbreviation of ethlydioxolane kryptocyanine
EDL is an abbreviation of extensor digitorum longus
EDM is an abbreviation of epidural morphine
EDMM is an abbreviation of O-ethyl S-(2-dimethylaminoethyl) methylphosphonothioate
EDPCD is an acronym for ethyldiaminopropylcarbodiimide
EDPP is an abbreviation of 2-ethylidene-1,5-dimethyl-3,3-diphenylpyrrolidine
EDRF is an abbreviation of endothelium-derived relaxing factor
EDS is an acronym for edema disease of swine
EDS is an acronym for egg drop syndrome
EDS is an acronym for Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
EDS is an acronym for Emery-Dreifus syndrome
EDS is an acronym for energy-dispersive spectrometry
EDS is an acronym for epigastric distress syndrome
EDS is an acronym for ethane dimethane sulfonate
EDS is an acronym for excessive daytime sleepiness
EDS is an acronym for extradimensional shift
EdSm is an acronym for ethyldeshydroxysparsomycin
EDTA is an acronym for ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
EDTPO is an acronym for ethylenedinitrilo-tetramethylenephosphonic acid
EDU is an acronym for ethylene diurea
EDV is an abbreviation of end-diastolic volume
EE is an abbreviation of expressed emotion
EEA is an acronym for Euonymus europaeus agglutinin
EEC is an acronym for European Economic Community
EEC syndrome is an acronym for ectrodactyly-ectodermal dysplasia-clefting syndrome
EEDQ is an acronym for ethyl ester 2-ethoxy-1(2H)-quinolinecarboxylic acid
EEE is an acronym for eastern equine encephalomyelitis
EEE is an acronym for experimental enterococcal endocarditis
EEE is an acronym for external eye exam
EEG is an abbreviation of electroencephalogram
EETHO is an acronym for endo-ethenotetrahydrooripavine
EF is an abbreviation of ejection fraction
EF is an acronym for ectopic focus
EF is an acronym for edema factor
EF is an acronym for elastic fibril
EF is an acronym for electric field
EF is an acronym for elongation factor
EF is an acronym for embryo fibroblasts
EF is an acronym for embryo-fetal
EF is an acronym for emergency facility
EF is an acronym for encephalitogenic factor
EF is an acronym for endothoracic fascia
EF is an acronym for endurance factor
EF is an acronym for eosinophilic fasciitis
EF is an acronym for epithelial focus
EF is an acronym for equivalent focus
EF is an acronym for erythroblastosis fetalis
EF is an acronym for erythrocyte fragmentation
EF is an acronym for exposure factor
EF is an acronym for extended-field
EF is an acronym for extrafine
EF is an acronym for extrinsic factor
EFA is an abbreviation of Epilepsy Foundation of America
EFA is an abbreviation of essential fatty acid
EFA is an abbreviation of extrafamily adoptee
EFDA is an acronym for epoxyfarnesyl diazoacetate
EFDA is an acronym for expanded function dental assistant
EFL is an acronym for early fetal loss
EFL is an acronym for echogenic fetal lung
EFL is an acronym for effective focal length
EFL is an acronym for English as a foreign language
EFL is an acronym for expiratory flow limitation
EFT is an acronym for earth-fixed target
EFT is an acronym for electrical fibrillation threshold
EFT is an acronym for electronic funds transfer
EFT is an acronym for Embedded Figures Test
EFT is an acronym for emotionally focused therapy
EFT is an acronym for Ewing family of tumors
EFT is an acronym for Ewing's sarcoma family of tumors
eg is an abbreviation of example
EGBG is an acronym for ethylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone)
EGBSS is an acronym for ethylene glycolylbis(succinimidyl succinate)
EGD is an acronym for esophagogastroduodenoscopy
EGE is an abbreviation of endorphin-generating endopeptidase
EGF is an abbreviation of epidermal growth factor
EGFR is an acronym for epidermal growth factor receptor
EGHE is an acronym for ethylene glycol monohexyl ether
EGR is an acronym for erythema gyratum repens
Egr-1 is an acronym for early growth response-1
Egr-2 is an acronym for early growth response-2
Egr-3 is an acronym for early growth response-3
EH is an abbreviation of essential hypertension
EHBB is an abbreviation of 2-ethyl-3-(4'-hydroxybenzoyl)benzofuran
EHDA is an acronym for epoxyhomofarnesyl diazoacetate
EHDP is an acronym for ethane-1-hydroxy-1,1-diphosphonate
EHEC is an acronym for enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli
EHNA is an acronym for 9-erythro-2-(hydroxy-3-nonyl) adenine
EHPG is an abbreviation of N,N'-ethylenebis(o-hydroxyphenyl)glycine
EI is an acronym for electrolyte imbalance
EI is an acronym for electron impact
EI is an acronym for electron ionization
EI is an acronym for emotionally impaired
EI is an acronym for enzyme inhibitor
EI is an acronym for eosinophilic index
EI is an acronym for excretory index
EIA is an abbreviation of enzyme immunoassay
EIAB is an abbreviation of extra-intracranial arterial bypass
eicosadienoyl-CoA is an abbreviation of eicosadienoyl-coenzyme A
EIF is an abbreviation of erythrocyte initiation factor
EIF is an abbreviation of eukaryotic initiation factor
EIPA is an acronym for ethylisopropylamiloride
EIPS is an acronym for endogenous inhibitor of prostaglandin synthase
EK is an acronym for enterokinase
EK is an acronym for equine kidney
EK is an acronym for erythrokinase
EK is an acronym for K+ equilibrium potential
el is an abbreviation of elevated railway
elaidoyl-CoA is an abbreviation of elaidoyl-coenzyme A
ELAM is an acronym for endothelial-leukocyte adhesion molecule
ELAM-1 is an acronym for endothelial-leukocyte adhesion molecule-1
electro is an abbreviation of electrotype
ELIFA is an acronym for enzyme-linked immuno-filtration assay
ELISA is an acronym for enzyme-linked immunoadsorbent assay
ELISA is an acronym for enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
ELOSA is an acronym for enzyme-linked oligonucleotide sorbent assay
Em is an abbreviation of emmetropia
EM is an abbreviation of emotional
EM is an abbreviation of emotional disorder
EM is an abbreviation of emotionally
EM is an abbreviation of emotionally disturbed
EM is an abbreviation of emphysema
EM is an acronym for early memory
EM is an acronym for ejection murmur
EM is an acronym for electron micrograph
EM is an acronym for electrophoretic mobility
EM is an acronym for Embden-Meyerhof
EM is an acronym for emergency medicine
EM is an acronym for end of medium character
EM is an acronym for ergonovine maleate
EM is an acronym for erythema migrans
EM is an acronym for erythema multiforme
EM is an acronym for erythrocyte mass
EM is an acronym for erythromycin
EM is an acronym for esophageal manometry
EM is an acronym for esophageal motility
EM is an acronym for excreted mass
EM is an acronym for extracellular matrix
EMA is an abbreviation of epithelial membrane antigen
emb is an abbreviation of embryo
emb is an abbreviation of embryology
EMB is an abbreviation of endomyocardial biopsy
EMBL is an abbreviation of European Molecular Biology Laboratory
EMBP is an acronym for estramustine-binding protein
EMC is an abbreviation of encephalomyocarditis
EMC is an abbreviation of essential mixed cryoglobulinemia
EMD is an abbreviation of ethylmorphine N-demethylase
EMF is an acronym for electromagnetic fields
EMF is an acronym for electromagnetic flowmeter
EMF is an acronym for electromotive force
EMF is an acronym for electron motive force
EMF is an acronym for Emergency Medicine Foundation
EMF is an acronym for endomyocardial fibrosis
EMF is an acronym for erythrocyte maturation factor
EMF is an acronym for evaporated milk formula
EMG is an abbreviation of electromyogram
EMG is an abbreviation of electromyograph
EMG is an abbreviation of electromyographic
EMG is an abbreviation of electromyography
EMG syndrome is an acronym for exomphalos-macroglossia-gigantism syndrome
EMIT is an acronym for Enzyme-Multiplied Immunoassay Technique
EMLA is an acronym for Eutectic Mixture of Local Anesthetics
EMLPP is an acronym for early methionine-labeled polypeptide
EMM is an abbreviation of extracellular matrix-material
Emp is an abbreviation of emphysema
emp is an abbreviation of emplastrum
EMP is an acronym for electric membrane property
EMP is an acronym for electromagnetic pulse
EMP is an acronym for Embden-Meyerhof pathway
EMP is an acronym for enamel matrix protein
EMP is an acronym for epithelial membrane protein
emp is an acronym for epithelial membrane protein
Emp is an acronym for erythroblast macrophage protein
EMP is an acronym for estramustine phosphate
emp is an acronym for ex modo prescripto
EMP is an acronym for external membrane potential
EMP is an acronym for external membrane protein
EMP is an acronym for extramammary Paget's disease
EMP is an acronym for extramedullary plasmacytoma
EMP pathway is an acronym for Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas pathway
EMPOPD is an acronym for 1-(4-ethoxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-2-phenoxypropane -1,3 -diol
EMS is an acronym for early morning specimen
EMS is an acronym for early morning stiffness
EMS is an acronym for electrical muscle stimulation
EMS is an acronym for Emergency Medical Service
EMS is an acronym for emergency medical system
EMS is an acronym for ethyl methanesulfonate
EMS is an acronym for extramedullary site
EMSA is an acronym for electromobility shift assay
EMU is an acronym for epilepsy-monitoring unit
Emu is an acronym for mouse immunoglobulin enhancer
Emv is an acronym for ecotropic MuLV
EMV is an acronym for equine morbillivirus
EN is an abbreviation of endoscopy
EN is an abbreviation of endosomal apparatus
en is an abbreviation of enema
EN is an abbreviation of enrolled nurse
EN is an acronym for enteral nutrition
EN is an acronym for epidemic nephritis
EN is an acronym for epidemic neuropathy
EN is an acronym for erythema nodosum
ENA is an abbreviation of extractable nuclear antigen
ENDOR is an acronym for electron nuclear double resonance
ENG is an acronym for electroneurography
ENG is an acronym for electronystagmogram
ENG is an acronym for electronystagmograph
ENG is an acronym for electronystagmography
ENPP is an acronym for O-ethyl O-4-nitrophenyl phosphoramidate
ENT is an acronym for ear, nose, and throat
ENU is an abbreviation of ethylnitrosourea
env is an abbreviation of environment
env is an abbreviation of environmental
EOG is an acronym for electro-olfactogram
EOM is an acronym for end of message
EOM is an acronym for equal ocular movement
EOM is an acronym for external otitis media
EOM is an acronym for extraocular movement
EOM is an acronym for extraocular muscle
EOS is an abbreviation of eosinophil
EOS is an acronym for end of study
EOS is an acronym for European Orthodontic Society
EP is an acronym for evoked potential
EPA is an acronym for eicosapentaenoic acid
EPA is an acronym for empiric phrase association
EPA is an acronym for Environmental Protection Agency
EPA is an acronym for erect posterior-anterior
EPA is an acronym for erythroid potentiating activity
EPA is an acronym for extrinsic plasminogen activator
EPC is an acronym for erucylphosphocholine
EpDIF is an abbreviation of epithelium-derived inhibitory factor
EpDRF is an abbreviation of epithelium-derived relaxant factor
EPHTC is an acronym for 2-(1-(ethoxyimino)propyl)-3-hydroxy-5 -(2,4,6 -trimethylphenyl) cyclohex-2-enone
EPI is an abbreviation of epilepsy
EPI is an abbreviation of epithelial
EPI is an abbreviation of epithelium
EPI is an acronym for Emotion Profile Index
EPI is an acronym for evoked potential index
EPI is an acronym for Expanded Programme of Immunization
EPI is an acronym for extrapyramidal involvement
EPIF is an abbreviation of extracellular protein synthesis-inducing factor
EPMP is an abbreviation of ethyl 4-nitrophenyl methylphosphonate
EPO is an acronym for erythropoiesis
EPO is an acronym for erythropoietin
EPO is an acronym for evening primrose-oil
EPO is an acronym for expiratory port occlusion
epoxyATP is an acronym for adenosine triphosphate
EPP is an acronym for erythropoietic protoporphyria
EPR is an acronym for electron paramagnetic resonance
EPR is an acronym for electrophrenic respiration
EPSP is an acronym for excitatory postsynaptic potential
EPTB is an acronym for extrapulmonary tuberculosis
EPTG is an abbreviation of 2',3'-epoxypropyl-1-thioglucoside
eq is an abbreviation of equal
eq is an abbreviation of equivalent
equiv is an abbreviation of equivalency
equiv is an abbreviation of equivalent
ER is an acronym for early reticulocyte
ER is an acronym for efficacy ratio
ER is an acronym for ejection rate
ER is an acronym for electroresection
ER is an acronym for emergency room
er is an acronym for endoplasmic reticulum
ER is an acronym for enhancement ratio
ER is an acronym for environmental resistance
ER is an acronym for epigastric region
ER is an acronym for equine rhinopneumonia
ER is an acronym for equivalent roentgen
ER is an acronym for erythrocyte receptor
ER is an acronym for esophageal rupture
ER is an acronym for estradiol receptor
ER is an acronym for estrogen receptor
ER is an acronym for evoked response
ER is an acronym for expiratory reserve
ER is an acronym for extended release
ER is an acronym for external resistance
ER is an acronym for external rotation
ER is an acronym for extraction ratio
ER is an acronym for eye research
er. is an abbreviation of erythrocyte
ERBF is an acronym for effective renal blood flow
ERCP is an acronym for endoscopic retrograde cannulation of the pancreatic duct
ERCP is an acronym for endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
ERCP is an acronym for endoscopic retrograde choledochopancreatography
ERE is an acronym for estrogen response element
erg is an abbreviation of electroretinogram
ERGIC-53 is an acronym for endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi intermediate compartment-53
ErITC is an abbreviation of erythrosine isothiocyanate
ERK is an acronym for extracellular signal-regulated kinase
ERM is an acronym for electrochemical relaxation method
ERM is an acronym for epiretinal membrane
ERM is an acronym for extended radical mastectomy
ERM protein is an acronym for ezrin-radixin-moesin protein
EROD is an acronym for ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase
ERP is an acronym for early receptor potential
ERP is an acronym for effective refractory period
ERP is an acronym for elodoisin-related peptide
ERP is an acronym for endoscopic retrograde pancreatography
ERP is an acronym for enzyme-releasing peptide
ERP is an acronym for equine rhinopneumonitis
ERP is an acronym for estrogen receptor protein
ERP is an acronym for event-related potential
ERPF is an acronym for effective renal plasma flow
ERRP is an acronym for epidermal growth factor receptor related protein
ERT is an acronym for esophageal radionuclide transit
ERT is an acronym for estrogen replacement therapy
ERT is an acronym for external beam radiation therapy
ERT is an acronym for external radiation therapy
ERTK is an acronym for estradiol receptor tyrosine kinase
ERV is an acronym for expiratory reserve volume
Erw. citreus is an abbreviation of Erwinia citreus
Eryr is an abbreviation of erythromycin-resistant
Es is an abbreviation of einsteinium
ESME is an acronym for early-summer meningoencephalitis
ESN is an acronym for estrogen-stimulated neurophysin
ESP is an acronym for extrasensory perception
ESR is an acronym for electron spin resonance
ESR is an acronym for erythrocyte sedimentation rate
ESRD is an acronym for end-stage renal disease
EST is an abbreviation of esterase
EST is an acronym for electric shock threshold
EST is an acronym for electroshock therapy
EST is an acronym for electroshock threshold
EST is an acronym for endodermal sinus tumor
EST is an acronym for endometrial sinus tumor
EST is an acronym for endoscopic sphincterectomy
EST is an acronym for exercise stress test
ESU is an acronym for electrosurgical unit
ESV is an acronym for end-systolic volume
ESWL is an acronym for extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy
Et is an abbreviation of ethyl group
EtAdipAz is an abbreviation of ethyladipoylazolamide
ETB is an acronym for endothelin B
etc is an abbreviation of et cetera
ETDNIC is an acronym for 1-ethyl-4,6,8-trimethyl-2,9-dioxabicyclo(3.3.1) nonan -6-yl 1-imidazolecarboxylate
ETEC is an acronym for enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli
ETF is an acronym for electron-transferring flavoprotein
ETFC is an acronym for 7-ethoxy-4-trifluoromethylcoumarin
ETH is an abbreviation of ethionamide
ETKA is an abbreviation of 1-eicosanoyl-3''-N-(trifluoroacetyl) kanamycin
ETOH is an abbreviation of ethyl alcohol
EtSuxAz is an abbreviation of ethylsuccinylazolamide
ETV is an acronym for extravascular thermal volume
EU is an acronym for endotoxin unit
Eur. is an abbreviation of Europe
Eur. is an abbreviation of European
eV is an acronym for electron volt
EV is an acronym for epidermodysplasia verruciformis
eve is an abbreviation of even-skipped gene
EX is an abbreviation of exfoliation
EX is an abbreviation of exsmoker
EXD is an acronym for ethyl xanthogen disulfide
exp is an abbreviation of experiment
exp is an abbreviation of experimental
exp is an abbreviation of expired
EYA is an acronym for egg yolk agar
EYDF is an abbreviation of erythroid differentiation factor 

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