How to Gain Weight in a Week?

How to Gain Weight in a Week?
7 Dino men Wazan Badhaen!

(In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful)

(In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful)

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Abbreviations that start with Alphabet S

Abbreviations that start with Alphabet S


S B2-m is an acronym for serum beta 2-microglobulin
s is an abbreviation of second
S. aberti aberti is an abbreviation of Sciurus aberti aberti
S. aberti ferreus is an abbreviation of Sciurus aberti ferreus
S. aberti is an abbreviation of Sciurus aberti
S. abortusequi is an abbreviation of Salmonella abortusequi
S. abortusovis is an abbreviation of Salmonella abortusovis
S. acus is an abbreviation of Syngnathus acus
S. albogriseolus is an abbreviation of Streptomyces albogriseolus
S. albus is an abbreviation of Streptomyces albus
S. alpinus is an abbreviation of Salvelinus alpinus
S. apiospermum is an abbreviation of Scedosporium apiospermum
S. arizonae is an abbreviation of Salmonella arizonae
S. asperum is an abbreviation of Sargassum asperum
S. auriculatum is an abbreviation of Sphagnum auriculatum
S. avenae is an abbreviation of Sitobion avenae
S. avermitilis is an abbreviation of Streptomyces avermitilis
S. avidinii is an abbreviation of Streptomyces avidinii
S. azurea is an abbreviation of Saccharomonospora azurea
S. banco is an abbreviation of Salmonella banco
S. bedoti is an abbreviation of Sagitta bedoti
S. bicolor is an abbreviation of Saguinus bicolor
S. binderi is an abbreviation of Sargassum binderi
S. bongori is an abbreviation of Salmonella bongori
S. boomkeri is an abbreviation of Stephanofilaria boomkeri
S. caerula is an abbreviation of Sardinops caerula
S. capensis is an abbreviation of Saccharomyces capensis
S. capensis is an abbreviation of Sebastes capensis
S. carnosus is an abbreviation of Staphylococcus carnosus
S. castanea is an abbreviation of Scutellospora castanea
S. cavalla is an abbreviation of Scomberomorus cavalla
S. chacoense is an abbreviation of Solanum chacoense
S. chevalieri is an abbreviation of Saccharomyces chevalieri
S. clavuligerus is an abbreviation of Streptomyces clavuligerus
S. cohnii is an abbreviation of Staphylococcus cohnii
S. conspicua is an abbreviation of Stenoplax conspicua
S. corallinus is an abbreviation of Siganus corallinus
S. damnosum is an abbreviation of Simulium damnosum
S. dentata is an abbreviation of Sergentomyia dentata
S. denticulatum is an abbreviation of Sargassum denticulatum
S. deserta is an abbreviation of Salvia deserta
S. doliatus is an abbreviation of Siganus doliatus
S. douglasii is an abbreviation of Saccharomyces douglasii
S. douthitti is an abbreviation of Schistosomatium douthitti
S. ehrenbergi is an abbreviation of Spalax ehrenbergi
S. elodea is an abbreviation of Sphingomonas elodea
S. enflata is an abbreviation of Sagitta enflata
S. enterica is an abbreviation of Salmonella enterica
S. epidermidis is an abbreviation of Staphylococcus epidermidis
S. equi is an abbreviation of Streptococcus equi
S. equi subsp. equi is an abbreviation of Streptococcus equi subspecies equi
S. erythraea is an abbreviation of Saccharopolyspora erythraea
S. erythrophthalmus is an abbreviation of Scardinius erythrophthalmus
S. faecalis is an abbreviation of Streptococcus faecalis
S. fass is an abbreviation of Salmonella fass
S. ferax is an abbreviation of Saprolegnia ferax
S. forreri is an abbreviation of Stylasterias forreri
S. friderici is an abbreviation of Sagitta friderici
S. fuscescens is an abbreviation of Siganus fuscescens
S. gardneri is an abbreviation of Streptomyces gardneri
S. gordonii is an abbreviation of Streptococcus gordonii
S. granularis is an abbreviation of Sphaerechinus granularis
S. griseofuscus is an abbreviation of Streptomyces griseofuscus
S. griseus is an abbreviation of Streptomyces griseus
S. haemolyticus is an abbreviation of Staphylococcus haemolyticus
S. hemiphyllum is an abbreviation of Sargassum hemiphyllum
S. henslowianum is an abbreviation of Sargassum henslowianum
S. heteromorpha is an abbreviation of Sargassum heteromorpha
S. hexaptera is an abbreviation of Sagitta hexaptera
S. hispidus is an abbreviation of Sigmodon hispidus
S. hominis is an abbreviation of Sarcocystis hominis
S. houtenae is an abbreviation of Salmonella houtenae
S. hyicus is an abbreviation of Staphylococcus hyicus
S. idahoensis is an abbreviation of Sarcocystis idahoensis
S. idahoensis is an abbreviation of Sylvilagus idahoensis
S. imperator is an abbreviation of Saguinus imperator
S. incarnata is an abbreviation of Schisandra incarnata
S. indica is an abbreviation of Scutellaria indica
S. indica is an abbreviation of Stokeyia indica
S. innocens is an abbreviation of Serpulina innocens
S. intercalatum is an abbreviation of Schistosoma intercalatum
S. intestinalis is an abbreviation of Septata intestinalis
S. italicus is an abbreviation of Saccharomyces italicus
S. japonicum is an abbreviation of Schistosoma japonicum
S. leucodon is an abbreviation of Spalax leucodon
S. lindemanni is an abbreviation of Sarcocystis lindemanni
S. lineatus is an abbreviation of Siganus lineatus
S. lineola is an abbreviation of Sphodromantis lineola
S. lomita is an abbreviation of Salmonella lomita
S. maculata is an abbreviation of Synapta maculata
S. mayday is an abbreviation of Salmonella mayday
S. melongena is an abbreviation of Solanum melongena
S. midas is an abbreviation of Saguinus midas
S. mim is an abbreviation of Salmonella mim
S. mitis is an abbreviation of Streptococcus mitis
S. molle is an abbreviation of Schinus molle
S. mura is an abbreviation of Salmonella mura
S. murinus is an abbreviation of Suncus murinus
S. muris is an abbreviation of Sarcocystis muris
S. mystax is an abbreviation of Saguinus mystax
S. namaycush is an abbreviation of Salvelinus namaycush
S. nana is an abbreviation of Sepedonella nana
S. nanga is an abbreviation of Salmonella nanga
S. neglecta is an abbreviation of Sagitta neglecta
S. nephelus is an abbreviation of Sphoeroides nephelus
S. oedipus is an abbreviation of Saguinus oedipus
S. oviformis is an abbreviation of Saccharomyces oviformis
S. pacifica is an abbreviation of Sagitta pacifica
S. parasitica is an abbreviation of Saprolegnia parasitica
S. perspiculatus is an abbreviation of Scarus perspiculatus
S. pombe is an abbreviation of Schizosaccharomyces pombe
S. pulchra is an abbreviation of Sagitta pulchra
S. ratti is an abbreviation of Strongyloides ratti
S. regularis is an abbreviation of Sagitta regularis
S. salamae is an abbreviation of Salmonella salamae
S. schlegeli is an abbreviation of Syngnathus schlegeli
S. scovelli is an abbreviation of Syngnathus scovelli
S. sendai is an abbreviation of Salmonella sendai
S. sericea is an abbreviation of Scaevola sericea
S. siliquastrum is an abbreviation of Sargassum siliquastrum
S. sobrinus is an abbreviation of Streptococcus sobrinus
S. squatina is an abbreviation of Squatina squatina
S. stercoraria is an abbreviation of Scathophaga stercoraria
S. suihominis is an abbreviation of Sarcocystis suihominis
S. sulcata is an abbreviation of Sulcascaris sulcata
S. suslicus is an abbreviation of Spermophilus suslicus
S. swartzii is an abbreviation of Sargassum swartzii
S. tuberosum is an abbreviation of Solanum tuberosum
S. typhi is an abbreviation of Salmonella typhi
S. typhimurium is an abbreviation of Salmonella typhimurium
S. typhisuis is an abbreviation of Salmonella typhisuis
S. unicolor is an abbreviation of Spongipellis unicolor
S. unicolor is an abbreviation of Sturnus unicolor
S. uralensis is an abbreviation of Strix uralensis
S. verres is an abbreviation of Sufflamen verres
S. viviparus is an abbreviation of Sebastes viviparus
S. vulpinus is an abbreviation of Siganus vulpinus
S.A. is an acronym for secundum artem
S.A.L. is an acronym for secundum artis leges
S.C. is an acronym for closure of the semilunar valves
S.C.M. is an acronym for Society of Computer Medicine
S.C.M. is an acronym for State Certified Midwife
S.D. is an acronym for sagittal depth
S.D. is an acronym for skin dose
S.D. is an acronym for standard deviation
S.E.D. is an acronym for skin erythema dose
S.F. is an acronym for spontaneous fission
S.-G. is an acronym for Sachs-Georgi test
S.G.O. is an acronym for Surgeon-General's Office
S.I.D. is an acronym for Society for Investigative Dermatology
s.l. is an acronym for secundum legem
s.l. is an acronym for sensuo lato
S.L.P. is an acronym for sacrolaeva posterior
S.L.T. is an acronym for sacrolaeva transversa
S.M.O. is an abbreviation of Medical Officer of Schools
S.M.O. is an acronym for Senior Medical Officer
S.S.D. is an acronym for source-skin distance
S.T.S. is an acronym for serologic test for syphilis
S.T.S. is an acronym for Society of Thoracic Surgeons
S.T.S. is an acronym for standard test for syphilis
s/p is an acronym for status post
S1 is an abbreviation of first heart sound
S1 is an abbreviation of first sacral nerve
S1 is an abbreviation of first sacral vertebra
S1 is an abbreviation of lethal antigen-1
s-1 is an abbreviation of reciprocal second
S2 is an abbreviation of lethal antigen-2
S2 is an abbreviation of second heart sound
S2 is an abbreviation of second sacral nerve
S2 is an abbreviation of second sacral vertebra
S3 is an abbreviation of lethal antigen-3
S3 is an abbreviation of third heart sound
S3 is an abbreviation of third sacral nerve
S3 is an abbreviation of third sacral vertebra
S4 is an abbreviation of fourth heart sound
S4 is an abbreviation of fourth sacral nerve
S4 is an abbreviation of fourth sacral vertebra
S4 is an abbreviation of species antigen-4
Sa is an abbreviation of saline
Sa is an abbreviation of saline
Sa is an abbreviation of saturation
Sa is an abbreviation of the most anterior point of the anterior contour of the sella turcica
SA is an acronym for salicylic acid
SA is an acronym for sialic acid
Sa is an acronym for Staphylococcus aureus
SA is an acronym for stearylamine
SA is an acronym for surface area
SAA is an acronym for serum amyloid-A
SAA is an acronym for Stokes-Adams attack
SAA protein is an acronym for serum amyloid A protein
Sac. erythraea is an abbreviation of Saccharopolyspora erythraea
SAF is an acronym for syntex adjuvant formulation
SAH is an abbreviation of S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine
SAH is an abbreviation of subarachnoid hemorrhage
SAICR is an acronym for succinylaminoimidazole carboxamide riboside
SAIDS is an acronym for Simian Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
sALP is an acronym for serum alkaline phosphatase
sALP is an acronym for skeletal alkaline phosphatase
sALP is an acronym for soluble alkaline phosphatase
SAMHSA is an acronym for Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
SAMSA is an acronym for S-acetylmercaptosuccinic anhydride
SAR is an acronym for search and rescue
SAR is an acronym for semiautomatic rifle
SART is an abbreviation of sartorius
SART is an acronym for sexual assault response team
SART is an acronym for simultaneous algebraic reconstruction technique
SART is an acronym for sinoatrial reentrant tachycardia
SART is an acronym for Society for Assisted Reproductive Technologies
SART is an acronym for specific alternation of rhythm in temperature
SART is an acronym for standard acid reflux test
SATA is an acronym for N-succinimidyl-S-acetylthioacetate
SATP is an acronym for S-acetylthiorphan
SATP is an acronym for spatial average temporal peak
Sb is an abbreviation of antimony
SBA is an acronym for serum bactericidal activity
SBA is an acronym for serum bactericidal assay
SBA is an acronym for serum bile acid
SBA is an acronym for sodium 5,6-benzylidene-L-ascorbate
SBA is an acronym for Southern blot analysis
SBA is an acronym for soybean agglutinin
SBA is an acronym for spina bifida aperta
SBA is an acronym for suprapubic bladder aspiration
SBDHT is an acronym for 2-(sec-butyl)-4,5-dihydrothiazole
SBFI is an acronym for sodium-binding benzofuran isophthalate
SBFP is an acronym for sodium-binding benzofuran phthalate
SBP is an abbreviation of schizobipolar
SBP is an abbreviation of serotonin-binding protein
SBP is an abbreviation of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis
SBP is an abbreviation of steroid-binding plasma
SBP is an abbreviation of sulfobromophthalein
SBP is an abbreviation of systemic blood pressure
SBP is an abbreviation of systolic blood pressure
SbPRP is an acronym for soybean proline-rich protein
Sc is an abbreviation of scandium
SC is an acronym for secretory component
SC&M is an abbreviation of sensation, circulation, and motion
SCAH is an acronym for Severity Classification for AIDS Hospitalizations
SCBP is an acronym for stratum corneum basic protein
SCCG is an acronym for S-((2-chloroethyl)carbamoyl)glutathione
SCCL is an acronym for small cell carcinoma of the lung
SCCL is an acronym for squamous cell carcinoma of the lung
SCD is an acronym for sequential compression device
SCD is an acronym for service-connected disability
SCD is an acronym for sickle-cell disease
SCD is an acronym for spinocerebellar degeneration
SCD is an acronym for subacute combined degeneration
SCD is an acronym for subacute coronary disease
SCD is an acronym for sudden cardiac death
SCD is an acronym for systemic carnitine deficiency
SCE is an acronym for secretory carcinoma of the endometrium
SCE is an acronym for sister chromatid exchange
SCE is an acronym for split hand-cleft lip ectodermal dysplasia
SCE is an acronym for split hand-cleft palate ectodermal dysplasia
SCE is an acronym for subcutaneous emphysema
SCF is an acronym for Skin Cancer Foundation
SCI is an acronym for Science Citation Index
SCI is an acronym for spinal cord injury
SCI is an acronym for structured clinical interview
SCID is an acronym for severe combined immunodeficiency
SCID is an acronym for severe combined immunodeficiency disease
SCIDS is an acronym for severe combined immunodeficiency syndrome
SCIF is an acronym for stem cell inhibitory factor
SCL is an abbreviation of scleroderma
SCL is an abbreviation of serum copper level
SCL is an abbreviation of sinus cycle length
SCL is an abbreviation of soft contact lens
SCL is an abbreviation of symptom checklist
SCL is an abbreviation of syndrome checklist
ScM is an abbreviation of scalene muscle
SCM is an acronym for Schwann cell membrane
SCM is an acronym for soluble cytotoxic medium
SCM is an acronym for spleen cell-conditioned medium
SCM is an acronym for spondylitic caudal myelopathy
SCM is an acronym for steatocystoma multiplex
SCM is an acronym for sternocleidomastoid
SCM is an acronym for streptococcal cell membrane
SCM is an acronym for structure of the cytoplasmic matrix
SCM is an acronym for surface-connecting membrane
SCN is an abbreviation of special care nursing
SCN is an abbreviation of suprachiasmatic nucleus
SCPA is an acronym for small cardioactive peptide A
SCPB is an acronym for small cardioactive peptide B
SCPx is an acronym for sterol carrier protein x
SCr is an abbreviation of serum creatinine
SCR is an acronym for Schick Conversion Rate
SCR is an acronym for silicon-controlled rectifier
SCR is an acronym for skin conductance response
SCR is an acronym for slow-cycling rhodopsin
SCR is an acronym for spondylitic caudal radiculopathy
scr. is an abbreviation of scruple
SCRNA is an acronym for small cytoplasmic ribonucleic acid
SCRNA is an acronym for small cytoplasmic RNA
SCT is an acronym for sex chromatin test
SCT is an acronym for sexual compatibility test
SCT is an acronym for sickle-cell trait
SCT is an acronym for sperm cytotoxicity
SCT is an acronym for spinal computed tomography
SCT is an acronym for spinocervicothalamic
SCT is an acronym for staphylococcal clumping test
SCT is an acronym for sugar-coated tablet
scuba is an acronym for self-contained underwater breathing apparatus
scu-PA is an acronym for single chain urokinase-type plasminogen activator
SD antigen is an acronym for sero-defined antigen
SD antigen is an acronym for serologically defined antigen
SD is an acronym for Sandhoff's disease
SD is an acronym for Scotch douche
SD is an acronym for secretion droplet
SD is an acronym for segregation distortion
SD is an acronym for senile dementia
SD is an acronym for septal defect
SD is an acronym for serologically defined
SD is an acronym for serologically detectable
SD is an acronym for serologically detected
SD is an acronym for serologically determined
SD is an acronym for serum defect
SD is an acronym for severe disability
SD is an acronym for Shine-Dalgarno
SD is an acronym for short dialysis
SD is an acronym for shoulder disarticulation
SD is an acronym for shoulder dislocation
SD is an acronym for Shy-Drager
SD is an acronym for skin destruction
SD is an acronym for social desirability
SD is an acronym for socialized delinquency
SD is an acronym for somadendritic
SD is an acronym for somatization disorder
SD is an acronym for specially denatured
SD is an acronym for sphincter dilatation
SD is an acronym for spontaneous delivery
SD is an acronym for sporadic depression
SD is an acronym for Sprague-Dawley
SD is an acronym for spreading depression
SD is an acronym for stable disease
SD is an acronym for Stensen's duct
SD is an acronym for Still's disease
Sd is an acronym for stimulus drive
SD is an acronym for stone disintegration
SD is an acronym for strength duration
SD is an acronym for streptodornase
SD is an acronym for sudden death
SD is an acronym for superoxide dismutase
SD is an acronym for systolic discharge
SDA is an acronym for sacrodextra anterior
SDA is an acronym for specific dynamic action
SDAT is an acronym for senile dementia of the Alzheimer type
SDGF is an acronym for schwannoma-derived growth factor
SDGlu is an acronym for sodium N-dodecanoyl-L-glutamate
SDH is an acronym for serine dehydrase
SDH is an acronym for sorbitol dehydrogenase
SDH is an acronym for spinal dorsal horn
SDH is an acronym for subdural hematoma
SDH is an acronym for succinate dehydrogenase
SDP is an acronym for short-day photoperiod
SDP is an acronym for single donor platelet
SDP is an acronym for standard deviation of powers
SDP is an acronym for strain distribution pattern
SDP is an acronym for sympathetic dependent pain
SDPNFLRFamide is an acronym for seryl -aspartyl -prolyl -asparaginyl -phenylalanyl -leucyl -arginyl -phenylalaninamide
SDReductase is an acronym for succinic-dichloroindophenol reductase
SDRNFLRFamide is an acronym for seryl-aspartyl-arginyl -asparaginyl -phenylalanyl -leucyl -arginyl -phenylalaninamide
SDS-PAGE is an acronym for sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
SDZ is an acronym for sulphadiazine
SE is an acronym for spin-echo
SEAP is an abbreviation of secreted alkaline phosphatase
SEB is an abbreviation of seborrhea
SEB is an acronym for staphylococcal enterotoxin B
SeBMe is an acronym for selenobetaine methyl ester
sec is an abbreviation of second
sec is an abbreviation of secretary
sed is an abbreviation of sedes
sed is an abbreviation of sedimentation
SED is an acronym for spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia
SED is an acronym for standard error of deviation
SED is an acronym for standard error of difference
SED is an acronym for staphylococcal enterotoxin D
SED is an acronym for strain energy density
SED is an acronym for suberythemal dose
SEER is an acronym for Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results
SeHCAT is an acronym for (75)seleno-homocholic acid-taurine
sem is an abbreviation of one-half
SEM is an abbreviation of sample evaluation method
SEM is an abbreviation of scanning electron microscopy
SEM is an abbreviation of secondary enrichment medium
sem is an abbreviation of semen
sem is an abbreviation of seminal
SEM is an abbreviation of standard error of the mean
SEM is an abbreviation of systolic ejection murmur
SEP is an abbreviation of septum
SEP is an abbreviation of sepultus
SEP is an abbreviation of surface epithelium
SEP is an acronym for sensory evoked potential
SEP is an acronym for somatosensory evoked potential
SEP is an acronym for sperm entry point
SEP is an acronym for spinal evoked potential
SEP is an acronym for systolic ejection period
sep. is an abbreviation of separate
sep. is an abbreviation of separately
sep. is an abbreviation of separation
Sept. is an abbreviation of September
Ser is an abbreviation of serine
serv is an abbreviation of service
SERV is an acronym for simian endogenous retrovirus
SERV is an acronym for skin electrical resistance relative variation
SETFA is an acronym for S-ethylthiotrifluoroacetate
SF is an acronym for Sabin-Feldman
SF is an acronym for safety factor
SF is an acronym for salt-free
SF is an acronym for scarlet fever
SF is an acronym for Schilder-Foix
SF is an acronym for seizure frequency
SF is an acronym for seminal fluid
SF is an acronym for serosal fluid
SF is an acronym for serum factor
SF is an acronym for serum ferritin
SF is an acronym for serum fibrinogen
SF is an acronym for sham feeding
SF is an acronym for shell fragment
SF is an acronym for shipping fever
SF is an acronym for shrapnel fragment
SF is an acronym for shunt flow
SF is an acronym for sickle cell-hemoglobin F
SF is an acronym for simian foam-virus
SF is an acronym for skin fibroblast
SF is an acronym for skin fluorescence
SF is an acronym for slow function
SF is an acronym for snack food
SF is an acronym for sodium azide, fecal
SF is an acronym for soft feces
SF is an acronym for spinal fluid
SF is an acronym for spontaneous fibrillation
SF is an acronym for spontaneous fluctuation
SF is an acronym for spontaneous fracture
SF is an acronym for stable factor
SF is an acronym for sterile female
Sf is an acronym for Streptococcus faecalis
SF is an acronym for stress formula
SF is an acronym for sugar-free
SF is an acronym for sulfation factor
SF is an acronym for superior facet
SF is an acronym for suppressor factor
SF is an acronym for suprasternal fossa
SF is an acronym for survival fraction
SF is an acronym for surviving factor
Sf is an acronym for Svedberg flotation unit
SF is an acronym for swine fever
SF is an acronym for symptom-free
SF is an acronym for synovial fluid
SFEMG is an acronym for single fiber electromyography
SFGF is an acronym for Shope fibroma growth factor
SFGH is an acronym for San Francisco General Hospital
SFGSGFGGGY is an acronym for seryl -phenylalanyl -glycyl -seryl -glycyl -phenylalanyl -glycyl -glycyl -glycyl -tyrosine
SFM is an acronym for sex with foreign male
SFP is an acronym for screen filtration pressure
SFP is an acronym for simultaneous foveal perception
SFP is an acronym for spinal fluid pressure
SFP is an acronym for spleen fibrinolytic proteinase
SFP is an acronym for stopped flow pressure
SFV is an acronym for Semliki Forest virus
SG is an abbreviation of Sachs-Georgi
SG is an abbreviation of salivary gland
SG is an abbreviation of serum globulin
SG is an abbreviation of serum glucose
SG is an abbreviation of sign
SG is an abbreviation of skin graft
SG is an abbreviation of soluble gelatin
SG is an abbreviation of specific gravity
SG is an abbreviation of subgluteal
SG is an abbreviation of substantia gelatinosa
SG is an abbreviation of surgeon general
SGA is an abbreviation of small for gestational age
SGOT is an acronym for serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase
SGPA is an acronym for Streptomyces griseus protease A
SGPB is an acronym for Streptomyces griseus protease B
SGPCC is an acronym for sialoglycopeptide cerebral cortex
SGPT is an acronym for serum glutamate pyruvate transaminase
SH is an abbreviation of sulfhydryl
SH1 is an abbreviation of sulfhydryl-1
SHAP is an acronym for serum-derived hyaluronan-associated protein
sHAP is an acronym for slow hyperpolarizing afterpotential
SHBG is an abbreviation of sex hormone binding globulin
SHC is an acronym for squalene-hopene cyclase
SHCHC is an acronym for 2-succinyl-6-hydroxycyclohexa-2,4-diene-1-carboxylic acid
SHHHT is an acronym for san-huang-hsieh-hsin-tang
shi is an abbreviation of shibire
shi is an abbreviation of shiverer
SHI is an acronym for second harmonic imaging
SHI is an acronym for self-harm inventory
SHI is an acronym for severe head injury
SHI is an acronym for sexual health inventory
SHI is an acronym for statutory health insurance
ShI is an acronym for Stichodactyla helianthus neurotoxin I
SHI is an acronym for stress hormone infusion
SHIV is an acronym for simian/human immunodeficiency virus
SHMV is an acronym for sunn hemp mosaic virus
SHO is an acronym for secondary hypertrophic osteoarthropathy
SHO is an acronym for senior house officer
shr is an acronym for spontaneously hypertensive rat
SI is an acronym for Systeme International d'Unites
si non val. is an abbreviation of si non valeat
SIADH is an acronym for syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone
SIAMAAI is an acronym for sarcosyl(1)-isoleucyl(5)-alpha-methylalanine angiotensin I
SICU is an acronym for spinal intensive care unit
SICU is an acronym for surgical intensive care unit
SID is an acronym for Schimke immuno-osseous dysplasia
SID is an acronym for single intradermal
SID is an acronym for Society for Investigative Dermatology
SID is an acronym for strong ion difference
SID is an acronym for sucrase-isomaltase deficiency
SID is an acronym for sudden inexplicable death
SID is an acronym for sudden infant death
SID is an acronym for suggested indication of diagnosis
SID is an acronym for surface-induced dissociation
SID is an acronym for systemic inflammatory disease
SIDS is an acronym for sudden infant death syndrome
SIgA is an acronym for secretory immunoglobulin A
simultaneous ART is an acronym for simultaneous algebraic reconstruction technique
SIMV is an acronym for synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation
sing is an abbreviation of singular
single fiber EMG is an acronym for single fiber electromyography
single-stranded RNA is an acronym for single-stranded ribonucleic acid
SIPSKDALLK is an acronym for seryl-isoleucyl-prolyl -seryl -lysyl -aspartyl -alanyl -leucyl -leucyl -lysine
SIRIS is an acronym for sputter-initiated resonance ionization spectroscopy
SIRSB is an acronym for soluble immune-response suppressor bone marrow
SIS is an acronym for serotonin irritation syndrome
SIS is an acronym for simian sarcoma
SIS is an acronym for simulator induced syndrome
SIS is an acronym for social information system
SIS is an acronym for spontaneous interictal spike
SIS is an acronym for sterile injection suspension
sis oncogene is an abbreviation of simian sarcoma virus oncogene
SISI is an acronym for short increment sensitivity index
SIV is an acronym for simian immunodeficiency virus
SIV is an acronym for Sprague-Dawley-Ivanovas rat
SK is an abbreviation of streptokinase
SKALP is an acronym for skin-derived antileukoproteinase
sl is an abbreviation of slyke
SL is an acronym for salt loser
SL is an acronym for sarcolemma
SL is an acronym for satellite-like
SL is an acronym for sclerosing leukoencephalopathy
SL is an acronym for secondary leukemia
SL is an acronym for sensation level
SL is an acronym for sensory latency
SL is an acronym for serious list
SL is an acronym for short leg
SL is an acronym for Sibley-Lehninger
SL is an acronym for signal level
SL is an acronym for Sinding Larsen
SL is an acronym for Sjogren-Larsson
SL is an acronym for slit lamp
SL is an acronym for small leukocyte
SL is an acronym for small lymphocyte
SL is an acronym for sodium lactate
SL is an acronym for solidified liquid
SL is an acronym for sound level
SL is an acronym for Stein-Leventhal
SL is an acronym for streptolysin
SL is an acronym for Strumpell-Lorrain
sl. is an abbreviation of slice
sl. is an abbreviation of slight
sl. is an abbreviation of slightly
sl. is an abbreviation of slow
sl. is an abbreviation of sublingual
SLA is an acronym for sacrolaeva anterior
SLA is an acronym for single-cell liquid cytotoxic assay
SLA is an acronym for slide latex agglutination
SLA is an acronym for soluble leishmania antigen
SLA is an acronym for soluble leishmanial antigen
SLA is an acronym for soluble liver antigen
SLA is an acronym for spontaneous locomotor activity
SLA is an acronym for surfactant-like activity
SLA is an acronym for swine leukocyte antigen
SLAC is an acronym for scapholunate advanced collapse
SLE is an acronym for systemis lupus erythematosus
SLP is an acronym for segmental limb systolic pressure
Slp is an acronym for sex-limited protein
SLP is an acronym for short luteal phase
SLP is an acronym for subluxation of the patella
SLP1 is an acronym for Streptomycus lividans plasmid 1
SLPI is an acronym for secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor
SLT is an acronym for solid logic technology
SLT is an acronym for Stycar Language Test
slt. is an abbreviation of slight
slt. is an abbreviation of slightly
SLTI is an acronym for shiga-like toxin I
SLTII is an acronym for shiga-like toxin II
Sm is an abbreviation of samarium
Sm is an acronym for Serratia marcescens
SMA is an acronym for sequential multichannel autoanalyzer
SMA is an acronym for sequential multiple analysis
SMA is an acronym for simultaneous multichannel autoanalyzer
SMA is an acronym for smooth muscle antibody
SMA is an acronym for Society for Medical Anthropology
SMA is an acronym for somatomedin A
SMA is an acronym for spinal muscular atrophy
SMA is an acronym for spontaneous motor activity
SMA is an acronym for standard method agar
SMA is an acronym for superior mesenteric artery
SMA is an acronym for supplementary motor area
SMC is an acronym for Scientific Manpower Commission
SMC is an acronym for selenomethylnorcholesterol
SMC is an acronym for smooth muscle cell
SM-C is an acronym for somatomedin C
SMC is an acronym for special monthly compensation
SMC is an acronym for special mouth care
SMC is an acronym for succinylmonocholine
SMI is an acronym for supplementary medical insurance
SMIF is an acronym for smooth muscle inhibitory factor
SMN is an acronym for survival motor neuron
SMON is an acronym for subacute myelo-optic neuropathy
SMON is an acronym for subacute myelo-opticoneuropathy
SMPB is an acronym for succinimidyl 4-[p-maleidophenyl butyrate]
SMPI is an acronym for Streptomyces metallo-proteinase inhibitor
SMPV is an acronym for skeletal muscle powered ventricle
SMPV is an acronym for spleno-mesenteric-portal vein
SMPV is an acronym for superior mesentericoportal vein
SMPV is an acronym for superior mesenteric-portal vein
SMR is an abbreviation of senior medical resident
SMR is an abbreviation of sensorimotor rhythm
SMR is an abbreviation of severe mental retardation
SMR is an abbreviation of skeletal muscle relaxant
SMR is an abbreviation of somnolent metabolic rate
SMR is an abbreviation of standardized mortality ratio
SMR is an abbreviation of stroke with minimum residuum
SMR is an abbreviation of submucosal resection
SMX is an acronym for sulfamethoxazole
SN is an abbreviation of secundum naturam
Sn is an abbreviation of tin
SNA is an acronym for Sambucus nigra agglutinin
SNA is an acronym for sinus node artery
SNA is an acronym for sympathetic nerve activity
SNALA is an acronym for sialyl(2-3)(6)N-acetyllactosamine
SNAP is an acronym for sensory nerve action potential
SNE is an acronym for sinus node electrogram
SNE is an acronym for subacute necrotizing encephalomyelography
SNMCG is an acronym for S-(N-methylcarbamoyl)glutathione
SNP is an abbreviation of school nurse practitioner
SNP is an abbreviation of sinus node potential
SNP is an abbreviation of sodium nitroprusside
SNR is an abbreviation of signal-to-noise ratio
SNR is an abbreviation of substantia nigra zona reticulata
SNR is an abbreviation of supernumerary rib
SNRPN is an acronym for small nuclear ribonucleoprotein-associated protein N
SOB is short for Short Of Breath
SOC is an acronym for sequential oral contraceptive
SOC is an acronym for Standard Occupational Classification
SOC is an acronym for standard of care
SOC is an acronym for standards of care
SoC is an acronym for state of consciousness
SOC is an acronym for syphilitic osteochondritis
SOHND is an acronym for supraomohyoid neck dissection
SOM is an abbreviation of somatostatin
SOM is an abbreviation of somatotropin
SOM is an acronym for secretory otitis media
SOM is an acronym for self-organizing map
SOM is an acronym for sensitivity of method
SOM is an acronym for serous otitis media
SOM is an acronym for superior oblique muscle
SOM is an acronym for suppurative otitis media
SOM is an acronym for surgical operating microscope
SOR is an acronym for short open reading
SORA is an acronym for Summary Oral Reflective Analysis
SP is an abbreviation of species
sp. is an abbreviation of spiritus
SPC is an acronym for standard platelet concentrate
SPC is an acronym for subtilisin-like proprotein convertase
SPCA is an acronym for serum prothrombin conversion accelerator
SPCA is an acronym for Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
SPDP is an acronym for N-succinimidyl-3-(2-pyridyldithio)propionate
SPDPH is an acronym for N-succinimidyl 6-(3-(2-pyridyldithio)propionamido)hexanoate
SPECT is an acronym for single photon emission computer tomography
SPET is an acronym for single-photon emission tomography
SPF is an abbreviation of skin protection factor
SPF is an abbreviation of specific-pathogen free
SPF is an abbreviation of spectrophotofluorometer
SPF is an abbreviation of S-phase fraction
SPF is an abbreviation of split products of fibrin
SPF is an abbreviation of standard perfusion fluid
SPF is an abbreviation of Stuart-Prower factor
SPF is an abbreviation of sun protection factor
SPF is an abbreviation of systemic pulmonary fistula
Sph is an abbreviation of sphenoidale
Sph is an abbreviation of spherocytosis
Sph is an abbreviation of sphingomyelin
SPH is an acronym for secondary pulmonary hemosiderosis
SPH is an acronym for severely and profoundly handicapped
sph. is an abbreviation of spherical
sph. is an abbreviation of spherical lens
sph. is an abbreviation of spheroid
sph. is an abbreviation of sphincter
SPHC is an acronym for S-(6-purinyl)homocysteine
SPi is an abbreviation of serum phosphorus
SPIE-IA is an acronym for solid-phase immobilized epitope immunoassay
SPL is an abbreviation of skin potential level
SPL is an abbreviation of sound pressure level
SPL is an abbreviation of splanchnic
SPL is an abbreviation of splanchnic
SPL is an abbreviation of spontaneous lesion
SPL is an abbreviation of staphylococcal phage lysate
SPL is an abbreviation of superior parietal lobule
SPM is an abbreviation of spermine
SPM is an abbreviation of sphingomyelin
SPM is an acronym for semipermeable membrane
SPM is an acronym for shocks per minute
Spm is an acronym for spleen mononuclear
SPM is an acronym for statistical parametric map
SPM is an acronym for statistical parametric mapping
SPM is an acronym for subhuman primate model
SPM is an acronym for suspended particulate matter
SPM is an acronym for synaptic plasma membrane
SPM is an acronym for synaptosomal plasma membrane
SPMI is an acronym for seminal plasma motility inhibitor
SPP is an abbreviation of Sexuality Preference Profile
SPP is an abbreviation of skin perfusion pressure
spp is an abbreviation of species
SPP is an abbreviation of species
SPP is an abbreviation of suprapubic prostatectomy
SPPS is an acronym for stable plasma protein solution
SPRIA is an acronym for solid phase radioimmunoassay
SPS disk test is an abbreviation of sodium polyanethol sulfonate disk test
SPS is an acronym for scapuloperoneal syndrome
SPS is an acronym for shoulder pain and stiffness
SPS is an acronym for simple partial seizure
SPS is an acronym for simple partial seizures
SPS is an acronym for slow-progressive schizophrenia
SPS is an acronym for Society of Pelvic Surgeons
SPS is an acronym for sodium polyanethol sulfonate
SPS is an acronym for sodium polyanetholesulfonate
SPS is an acronym for sodium polyethylene sulfonate
SPS is an acronym for sound production sample
SPS is an acronym for special Pap smear
SPS is an acronym for stimulated protein synthesis
SPS is an acronym for Suicide Probability Scale
SPS is an acronym for sulfite polymyxin sulfadiazine
SPS is an acronym for systemic progressive sclerosis
SPT is an acronym for secretin-pancreazymin test
SPT is an acronym for serine palmitoyl transferase
SPT is an acronym for single particle tracking
SPT is an acronym for single patch technique
SPT is an acronym for skin prick test
SPT is an acronym for sleep period time
SPT is an acronym for station pull-through
SPT is an acronym for station pull-through
SQ is an abbreviation of squalene
SQ is an acronym for social quotient
SQ is an acronym for status quo
SQ is an acronym for survey question
SQ is an acronym for symptom questionnaire
sq. is an abbreviation of sequentia
sq. is an abbreviation of squamous
sq. is an abbreviation of square
SQNYPIVQ is an acronym for seryl-glutaminyl-asparaginyl-tyrosyl -prolyl -isoleucyl -valyl -glutamine
sr is an abbreviation of steradian
SR is an acronym for stimulation ratio
SRBC is an acronym for sheep red blood cell
SREHP is an acronym for serine-rich Entamoeba histolytica protein
SRF is an acronym for severe renal failure
SRF is an acronym for skin respiratory factor
SRF is an acronym for skin-reactive factor
SRF is an acronym for somatotropin-releasing factor
SRF is an acronym for split renal function
SRF is an acronym for subretinal fluid
SRH is an acronym for signs of recent hemorrhage
SRH is an acronym for single radial hemolysis
SRH is an acronym for somatotropin-releasing hormone
SRH is an acronym for spontaneously responding hyperthyroidism
SRH is an acronym for stigmata of recent hemorrhage
SRI is an acronym for severe renal insufficiency
SRI is an acronym for Stanford Research Institute
SRIF is an abbreviation of somatostatin
SRIH is an acronym for somatotropin release inhibiting hormone
SrOHAp is an abbreviation of strontium hydroxyapatite
SRP is an acronym for short rib polydactyly
SRP is an acronym for signal recognition particle
SRP is an acronym for Society for Radiological Protection
SRP is an acronym for State Registered Physiotherapist
SRP is an acronym for synchronized retroperfusion
SRPSB is an acronym for sulfur-rich protein, soybean
SRS-A is an acronym for slow reacting substance of anaphylaxis
SRT is an acronym for sedimentation rate test
SRT is an acronym for simple reaction time
SRT is an acronym for sinus node recovery time
SRT is an acronym for speech reception threshold
SRT is an acronym for spontaneously resolving thyrotoxicosis
SRT is an acronym for surfactant replacement therapy
SRT is an acronym for sustained-release theophylline
SRT is an acronym for symptom rating test
SS is an abbreviation of somatostatin
ss. is an abbreviation of semi
SS-A antibody is an abbreviation of sickle cell type A antibody
SS-A antigen is an acronym for Sjogren syndrome A antigen
SsaB is an acronym for Streptococcus sanguis adhesin B
SSANPAH is an acronym for sulfosuccinimidyl 6-((4-azido-2-nitrophenyl)amino)hexanoate
SSB is an acronym for short spike burst
ssb is an acronym for single strand break
SSB is an acronym for single-stranded binding protein
SSB is an acronym for stereospecific binding
SSC is an acronym for sister strand crossover
SSC is an acronym for somatosensory cortex
SSC is an acronym for standard saline citrate
SSC is an acronym for standard sodium citrate
SSC is an acronym for syngeneic spleen cell
SSCP is an acronym for single-stranded conformational polymorphism
SSD is an acronym for shock-induced suppression of drinking
SSD is an acronym for single saturating dose
SSD is an acronym for source-surface distance
SSD is an acronym for speech-sound discrimination
SSD is an acronym for succinate semialdehyde dehydrogenase
SSD is an acronym for sudden sniffing death
SSD is an acronym for sum of square deviations
SSD is an acronym for syndrome of sudden death
ssDNA is an acronym for single-stranded deoxyribonucleic acid
SSM is an acronym for subsynaptic membrane
SSM is an acronym for superficial spreading melanoma
SSP is an abbreviation of subspecies
SSP is an acronym for Sanarelli-Shwartzman phenomenon
SSP is an acronym for subacute sclerosing panencephalitis
SSP is an acronym for supersensitivity perception
SSPABM is an acronym for spore-specific protein A, Bacillus megaterium
SSPCBM is an acronym for spore-specific protein C, Bacillus megaterium
SSPE is an acronym for subacute sclerosing panencephalitis
SSRalpha is an acronym for signal sequence receptor alpha
ssRNA is an acronym for single-stranded ribonucleic acid
ssRNA is an acronym for single-stranded RNA
SSSP is an acronym for sexual stage specific protein
ST is an abbreviation of esotropia
St is an abbreviation of saint
St is an abbreviation of stage
St is an abbreviation of stanza
St is an abbreviation of state
St is an abbreviation of status
St is an abbreviation of sterile
St is an abbreviation of stimulation
ST is an abbreviation of stimulus
St is an abbreviation of stitch
St is an abbreviation of stomach
St is an abbreviation of stomion
St is an abbreviation of stone
ST is an abbreviation of store
St is an abbreviation of straight
St is an abbreviation of stratus
St is an abbreviation of street
ST is an abbreviation of striation
St is an abbreviation of stroke
ST is an acronym for scala tympani
ST is an acronym for sclerotherapy
ST is an acronym for sedimentation time
ST is an acronym for semitendinosus
ST is an acronym for shock therapy
ST is an acronym for sickle thalassemia
ST is an acronym for sinus tachycardia
ST is an acronym for sinus tympani
ST is an acronym for skin test
ST is an acronym for skin thickness
ST is an acronym for slight trace
ST is an acronym for slow twitch
ST is an acronym for smokeless tobacco
ST is an acronym for spastic torticollis
ST is an acronym for speech therapist
ST is an acronym for sphincter tone
ST is an acronym for stable toxin
ST is an acronym for standard test
ST is an acronym for starting time
ST is an acronym for sternothyroid
ST is an acronym for stress test
ST is an acronym for stria terminalis
ST is an acronym for subtalar
ST is an acronym for subtotal
ST is an acronym for subtotal
St is an acronym for subtype
ST is an acronym for sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim
ST is an acronym for surface tension
ST is an acronym for surgical treatment
ST is an acronym for survival time
ST is an acronym for syndrome of the trephined
ST is an acronym for systolic time
St. Fiacre is an abbreviation of Saint Fiacre
St. Fiacre's disease is an abbreviation of Saint Fiacre's disease
St. Helena is an abbreviation of Saint Helena
St. Helena waxbill is an abbreviation of Saint Helena waxbill
St. is an abbreviation of saint
St. is an abbreviation of stet
St. is an abbreviation of street
STA is an abbreviation of second trimester abortion
STA is an abbreviation of serum thrombotic accelerator
STA is an abbreviation of superficial temporal artery
staph is an acronym for staphylococcus
Staph. simulans is an abbreviation of Staphylococcus simulans
STBSB is an acronym for N-succinimidyl-3-(tri-n-butylstannyl)benzoate
STD is an acronym for sexually transmitted disease
STE is an acronym for subperiosteal tissue expander
Steinert's CMD is an acronym for Steinert's congenital myotonic dystrophy
STI is an acronym for scientific and technical information
STI is an acronym for serum trypsin inhibitor
STI is an acronym for soybean trypsin inhibitor
STI is an acronym for sulfotransferase I
STI is an acronym for systolic time interval
STII is an acronym for sulfotransferase II
STIII is an acronym for sulfotransferase III
stim is an abbreviation of stimulation
stim is an abbreviation of stimulus
STLIA is an acronym for somatostatin-like immunoactivity
STLVPNA is an acronym for succinyl-tyrosyl-leucyl-valyl-p-nitroanilide
STMGTMAP is an acronym for succinyl-tyrosyl-methionyl-glycyl-tryptophyl -methionyl -aspartyl -phenethylamide
stp is an acronym for standard temperature and pressure
STR is an abbreviation of soft tissue relaxation
STR is an abbreviation of stirred tank reactor
strep is an abbreviation of streptococcus
STS is an acronym for sexual tubal sterilization
STS is an acronym for short-term storage
STS is an acronym for sodium tetradecyl sulfate
STS is an acronym for sodium thiosulfate
STS is an acronym for steroid sulfatase
STZ is an abbreviation of streptozocin
STZ is an abbreviation of streptozyme
SU is an abbreviation of salicyluric acid
SU is an abbreviation of secretory unit
SU is an abbreviation of sensation unit
SU is an abbreviation of solar urticaria
SU is an abbreviation of sorbent unit
SU is an abbreviation of spectrophotometric unit
SU is an abbreviation of status uncertain
SU is an abbreviation of subunit
SU is an abbreviation of sulfonamide
SU is an abbreviation of sulfonylurea
SU is an abbreviation of supine
subsp is an abbreviation of subspecies
SUDCA is an acronym for sarcoursodeoxycholic acid
SUL is an abbreviation of sulphonamide
sulpho-MBS is an acronym for m-maleimidobenzoyl-N-hydroxysulfosuccinimide ester
SURA is an acronym for secretion from the upper respiratory airways
surg is an abbreviation of surgeon
surg is an abbreviation of surgery
surg is an abbreviation of surgical
susp is an abbreviation of suspended
SUV is an acronym for small unilamellar vesicles
Sv is an abbreviation of sievert
SV is an acronym for semivariable
SV is an acronym for Simian virus
SV is an acronym for sinus venosus
SV is an acronym for sodium valproate
sv is an acronym for spiritus vini
SV is an acronym for stroke volume
SV40 is an acronym for simian virus 40
SVMAAI is an acronym for sarcosyl(1)-valyl(5)-N-methylalanine(7) -angiotensin I
SVR is an abbreviation of sequential vascular response
SVR is an abbreviation of systemic vascular resistance
SW is an abbreviation of seriously wounded
SW is an abbreviation of short wave
SW is an abbreviation of sinewave
SW is an abbreviation of slow wave
SW is an abbreviation of soap and water
SW is an abbreviation of social worker
SW is an abbreviation of spike wave
SW is an abbreviation of spiral wound
SW is an abbreviation of stab wound
SW is an abbreviation of sterile water
SW is an abbreviation of stroke work
SWGA is an acronym for succinylated wheat germ agglutinin
syn is an abbreviation of synergistic
syn is an abbreviation of synonym
syn is an abbreviation of synovial
SYN is an abbreviation of synovitis
syr is an abbreviation of syringe
syr is an abbreviation of syrup
SytIV is an abbreviation of synaptotagmin IV

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