How to Gain Weight in a Week?

How to Gain Weight in a Week?
7 Dino men Wazan Badhaen!

(In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful)

(In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful)

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Abbreviations that start with Alphabet M

Abbreviations that start with Alphabet M


M period is an abbreviation of mitosis period
m phase is an abbreviation of mitosis phase
M. abscessus is an abbreviation of Mycobacterium abscessus
M. agassizii is an abbreviation of Mycoplasma agassizii
M. agilis is an abbreviation of Micrococcus agilis
M. albicaudatus is an abbreviation of Mystromys albicaudatus
M. albidus is an abbreviation of Macrocyclops albidus
M. albus is an abbreviation of Marinococcus albus
M. alcon is an abbreviation of Maculinea alcon
M. alternifolia is an abbreviation of Melaleuca alternifolia
M. anguillicaudatus is an abbreviation of Misgurnus anguillicaudatus
M. anisopliae is an abbreviation of Metarhizium anisopliae
M. ardenensis is an abbreviation of Meloidogyne ardenensis
M. arion is an abbreviation of Maculinea arion
M. arvalis is an abbreviation of Microtus arvalis
M. asiaticum is an abbreviation of Mycobacterium asiaticum
M. avium complex is an abbreviation of Mycobacterium avium complex
M. avium is an abbreviation of Mycobacterium avium
M. bacilliformis is an abbreviation of Mucor bacilliformis
M. barkeri is an abbreviation of Methanosarcina barkeri
M. berglax is an abbreviation of Macrurus berglax
M. bovis is an abbreviation of Mycobacterium bovis
M. bovoculi is an abbreviation of Mycoplasma bovoculi
M. bullata is an abbreviation of Mycoplana bullata
M. canis is an abbreviation of Microsporum canis
M. capricolum is an abbreviation of Mycoplasma capricolum
M. catarrhalis is an abbreviation of Moraxella catarrhalis
M. chelonei is an abbreviation of Mycobacterium chelonei
M. communis is an abbreviation of Myrtus communis
M. conjunctivae is an abbreviation of Mycoplasma conjunctivae
M. continentalis is an abbreviation of Metschnikowia continentalis
M. demolitor is an abbreviation of Microplitis demolitor
M. destructor is an abbreviation of Mayetiola destructor
M. distortum is an abbreviation of Microsporum distortum
M. duytsi is an abbreviation of Meloidogyne duytsi
M. fermentans is an abbreviation of Mycoplasma fermentans
m. flac. is an abbreviation of membrana flaccida
M. fragrans is an abbreviation of Myristica fragrans
M. furfur is an abbreviation of Malassezia furfur
M. gallinaceum is an abbreviation of Mycoplasma gallinaceum
M. gallisepticum is an abbreviation of Mycoplasma gallisepticum
M. galloprovincialis is an abbreviation of Mytilus galloprovincialis
M. gastri is an abbreviation of Mycobacterium gastri
M. genitalium is an abbreviation of Mycoplasma genitalium
M. giganteus is an abbreviation of Macropus giganteus
M. glaber is an abbreviation of Monotes glaber
M. gordonae is an abbreviation of Mycobacterium gordonae
M. groenlandica is an abbreviation of Margarites groenlandica
M. haemolytica is an abbreviation of Mannheimia haemolytica
M. hominis is an abbreviation of Mycoplasma hominis
M. incognita is an abbreviation of Meloidogyne incognita
M. iowae is an abbreviation of Mycoplasma iowae
M. japonicus is an abbreviation of Marsupenaeus japonicus
M. lacunata is an abbreviation of Moraxella lacunata
M. liza is an abbreviation of Mugil liza
M. luteus is an abbreviation of Micrococcus luteus
M. margarita is an abbreviation of Margariscus margarita
M. miehei is an abbreviation of Mucor miehei
M. montebelli is an abbreviation of Microtus montebelli
M. mucedo is an abbreviation of Mucor mucedo
M. mulatta is an abbreviation of Macaca mulatta
M. mungo is an abbreviation of Mongos mungo
M. murinus is an abbreviation of Microcebus murinus
M. mutabilis is an abbreviation of Microdon mutabilis
M. myagroides is an abbreviation of Myagropsis myagroides
M. mycoides is an abbreviation of Mycoplasma mycoides
M. oleifera is an abbreviation of Moringa oleifera
M. ovipneumoniae is an abbreviation of Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae
M. paradisiaca is an abbreviation of Musa paradisiaca
M. parviflora is an abbreviation of Malva parvifolia
M. phlei is an abbreviation of Mycobacterium phlei
M. Phys. A. is an acronym for Member of the Physiotherapists' Association
M. platanus is an abbreviation of Mugil platanus
M. pterygosperma is an abbreviation of Moringa pterygosperma
M. pulmonis is an abbreviation of Mycoplasma pulmonis
M. putrefaciens is an abbreviation of Mycoplasma putrefaciens
M. rebeli is an abbreviation of Maculinea rebeli
M. rufogriseus is an abbreviation of Macropus rufogriseus
M. rufus is an abbreviation of Macropus rufus
M. ruttneri is an abbreviation of Macrocyclops ruttneri
M. sativum is an abbreviation of Medicago sativum
M. sexta is an abbreviation of Manduca sexta
M. silenus is an abbreviation of Macaca silenus
M. simiae is an abbreviation of Mycobacterium simiae
M. stabulans is an abbreviation of Muscina stabulans
M. stenopetala is an abbreviation of Moringa stenopetala
M. streptocerca is an abbreviation of Mansonella streptocerca
M. trichosporium is an abbreviation of Methylosinus trichosporium
M. tuberculata is an abbreviation of Melanoides tuberculata
M. undulatus is an abbreviation of Micropogonias undulatus
M. winthemi is an abbreviation of Margaropus winthemi
M.A.B. is an acronym for Metropolitan Asylums Board
M.A.C. is an acronym for maximum allowable concentration
M.C.S.P. is an acronym for Member of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapists
M.D. is an acronym for Medical Doctor
M.I. is an acronym for myocardial infarction
M.L. is an acronym for Licentiate in Medicine
M.O. is an acronym for Medical Officer
M.O.H. is an acronym for Medical Officer of Health
M.O.R.C. is an acronym for Medical Officers Reserve Corps
M.P.H. is an acronym for Master of Public Health
M.P.U. is an acronym for Medical Practitioners Union
M.R.A. is an acronym for Medical Record Administrator
M.R.A.C.P. is an acronym for Member of Royal Australasian College of Physicians
M.R.C. is an acronym for Medical Reserve Corps
M.R.C.P. is an acronym for Member of the Royal College of Physicians
M.R.C.P.E. is an acronym for Member of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
M.R.C.P.I. is an acronym for Member of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland
M.R.C.S. is an acronym for Member of the Royal College of Surgeons
M.R.C.S.E. is an acronym for Member of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
M.R.C.S.I. is an acronym for Member of the Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland
M.R.C.V.S. is an acronym for Member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons
M.R.L. is an acronym for Medical Record Librarian
M.S. is an acronym for Master of Surgery
M.T. is an acronym for Medical Technologist
M.T. is an acronym for membrana tympani
M.u. is an acronym for Mache unit
mA is an abbreviation of milliampere
MA is an acronym for Master of Arts
MA is an acronym for mental age
MA is an acronym for metatarsus adductus
MA is an acronym for meter angle
MAA is an acronym for 2-methoxyacetic acid
MAA is an acronym for Maackia amurensis agglutinin
MAA is an acronym for macroaggregated albumin
MAA is an acronym for Medical Assistance for the Aged
MAA is an acronym for melanoma-associated antigen
MAA is an acronym for methacrylic acid
MAA is an acronym for methoxyacetic acid
MAA is an acronym for methylarsonic acid
MAA is an acronym for moderate aplastic anemia
MAA is an acronym for monoarticular arthritis
MAb DF3 is an abbreviation of monoclonal antibody DF3
MAb is an abbreviation of monoclonal antibody
MABAI is an abbreviation of methyl-4-azidobenzoylaminoacetimidate
MABIM is an abbreviation of methyl 4-azidobenzimidate
MABP is an acronym for mean arterial blood pressure
MAC INH is an acronym for membrane attack complex inhibitor
Mac is an abbreviation of macula
MAC is an acronym for membrane attack complex
MAC is an acronym for minimal alveolar concentration
mac. is an abbreviation of macerare
mac. is an abbreviation of macerate
MACC is an acronym for 1-(malonylamino)cyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid
MACC is an acronym for median artery of the corpus callosum
MACC is an acronym for methotrexate, adriamycin, cyclophosphamide and CCNU
MacCir is an abbreviation of macronodular cirrhosis
mAChR is an acronym for muscarinic acetylcholine receptor
MACIF is an acronym for membrane attack complex inhibition factor
MACP is an acronym for methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein
MAD is an acronym for mean abdominal diameter
MADD is an acronym for MAP kinase-activating death domain protein
MADD is an acronym for mitogen-activated kinase activating death domain protein
MADD is an acronym for mixed anxiety-depressive disorder
MADD is an acronym for Mothers Against Drunk Driving
MADD is an acronym for multiple acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency
MADD is an acronym for multiple acyl-CoA-dehydrogenase defect
mADD is an acronym for myoadenylate deaminase deficiency
MADDP is an acronym for methacryloyloxydecyl dihydrogen phosphate
MADH is an acronym for methylamine dehydrogenase
MADMP is an abbreviation of methyl 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-beta-D-mannopyranoside
MAE is an acronym for medical air evacuation
MAE is an acronym for Multilingual Aphasia Examination
MAF is an acronym for macrophage activation factor
MAF is an acronym for macrophage agglutinating factor
MAF is an acronym for macrophage-activating factor
MAF is an acronym for maximum atrial fragmentation
MAF is an acronym for maximum audible field
MAF is an acronym for mouse amniotic fluid
MAG is an acronym for myelin-associated glycoprotein
MAGAU is an acronym for mannosyl-(1-4)-N-acetylglucosaminyl-(1-N)-urea
MAgF is an abbreviation of macrophage aggregation factor
MAHA is an acronym for microangiopathic hemolytic anemia
MAI is an acronym for microscopic aggregation index
MAI is an acronym for mitotic activity index
MAI is an acronym for movement assessment of infants
MAI is an acronym for Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare
MAIC is an acronym for microbacterium avium-intercellulare complex
MAIP is an acronym for microtubule-assembly inhibitor protein
MAIQ is an abbreviation of 4-methyl-5-amino-1-formylisoquinoline thiosemicarbazone
MALD is an acronym for 2-methoxyacetaldehyde
MALPTLL is an acronym for methylarginyl-lysyl-prolyl-tryptophyl-tert-leucyl-leucyl
MAM is an acronym for methylazomethanol
MAMGlcDAG is an acronym for monoacyl monoglucosyl diacylglycerol
MAO is an acronym for monoamine oxidase
MAOEA is an abbreviation of 5'-deoxy-5'-(N-methyl-N-(2-(aminooxy)ethyl)amino)adenosine
MAOPC is an abbreviation of 4-methyl-4-aza-3-oxopregnane-20-carboxylate
MAOPTMS is an acronym for methacryloxypropyltrimethoxysilane
MAPI is an acronym for microbial alkaline proteinase inhibitor
MAPK is an acronym for mitogen-activated protein kinase
MAPKK is an acronym for mitogen-activated protein kinase-kinase
MAPKKinase is an acronym for mitogen-activated protein kinase-kinase
MAPKKK is an acronym for MAP kinase kinase kinase
MAPKKK is an acronym for microtubule-associated protein kinase kinase kinase
MAPN is an acronym for methionyl-aspartyl-phenylalaninamide
MASAN is an abbreviation of 1-methyl-2-((4-aminophenyl)sulfonyl)amino-5-nitroimidazole
MATAGEN is an acronym for masking tape for gene expression
MATLE is an acronym for membrane-bound adrenal trypsin-like enzyme
MAU is an acronym for medical admissions unit
MAU is an acronym for microalbuminuria
MAV is an acronym for mouse adenovirus
max is an abbreviation of maximum
MB is an acronym for Medicinae Baccalaureus
MBAG is an abbreviation of 1,1'-(methylethanediylidenedinitrilo) bis (3-aminoguanidine)
MBC is an acronym for male breast cancer
MBC is an acronym for maximal bladder capacity
MBC is an acronym for maximal breathing capacity
MBC is an acronym for metastatic breast cancer
MBC is an acronym for methylthymol blue complex
MBC is an acronym for microcrystalline bovine collagen
MBC is an acronym for minimum bactericidal concentration
MbCN is an acronym for myoglobin cyanide
MBDB is an abbreviation of N-methyl-1-(1,3-benzodioxol-5-yl)-2-butanamine
MBDMF is an acronym for 8-O-(2-methyl-2-butenoyl)-5,7-dihydroxy-3-methoxyflavone
MBE is an acronym for molecular beam epitaxy
MBEBP is an acronym for 2,2'-methylenebis(4-ethyl-6-tert-butylphenol)
MBNO is an abbreviation of myoglobin nitroxide
MBP is an acronym for major basic protein
MBP is an acronym for maltose-binding protein
MBP is an acronym for mean blood pressure
MBP is an acronym for melitensis, bovine. porcine
MBP is an acronym for mesiobuccopulpal
MBP is an acronym for myelin basic protein
MBq is an abbreviation of megabecquerel
MBSA is an acronym for methylated bovine serum albumin
MBTCPP is an abbreviation of 2-methyl-butan-1,2,3,4-tetraol-2,4-cyclopyrophosphate
MC is an acronym for Magister Chirurgiae
MC is an acronym for Medical Corps
Mc is an acronym for megacycle
mC is an acronym for millicoulomb
MCA is an acronym for major coronary artery
MCA is an acronym for Maternity Center Association
MCA is an acronym for medical care administration
MCA is an acronym for methylcholanthrene
MCA is an acronym for middle cerebral artery
MCA is an acronym for monochloroacetic acid
MCA is an acronym for monoclonal antibody
MCA is an acronym for motorcycle accident
MCA is an acronym for multichannel analyzer
MCA is an acronym for Multiple Classification Analysis
MCA is an acronym for multiple congenital abnormality
MCA is an acronym for multiple congenital anomaly
MCAb is an acronym for microsomal antibody
McAb is an acronym for monoclonal antibody
MCCMM is an acronym for methylcobalamin-coenzyme M methyltransferase
MCD is an acronym for magnetic circular dichroism
MCD is an acronym for margin crease distance
MCD is an acronym for mast-cell degranulating
MCD is an acronym for mean cell diameter
MCD is an acronym for mean corpuscular diameter
MCD is an acronym for mean of consecutive differences
MCD is an acronym for median control death
MCD is an acronym for medullary collecting duct
MCD is an acronym for medullary cystic disease
MCD is an acronym for metabolic coronary dilation
MCD is an acronym for metacarpal cortical density
MCD is an acronym for minimal cerebral dysfunction
MCD is an acronym for minimal changes disease
MCD is an acronym for multiple carboxylase deficiency
MCD is an acronym for muscle carnitine deficiency
MCDF is an abbreviation of 6-methyl-1,3,8-trichlorodibenzofuran
MCF is an acronym for macrophage chemotactic factor
MCF is an acronym for medium corpuscular fragility
MCF is an acronym for microcomplement fixation
MCF is an acronym for monocyte factor
MCF is an acronym for mononuclear cell factor
MCF is an acronym for most comfortable frequency
MCF is an acronym for myocardial contractile force
mcg is an abbreviation of microgram
MCH is an acronym for mean corpuscular hemoglobin
MCHC is an acronym for mean cell hemoglobin concentration
MCHP is an abbreviation of 2-(3-methylcinnamylhydrazono)propionate
mCi is an abbreviation of millicurie
MCLS is an acronym for mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome
MCMI is an acronym for Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory
MCN is an acronym for magnocellular hypothalamic neuron
MCN is an acronym for minimal change nephropathy
MCN is an acronym for mixed cell nodular
MCNU is an acronym for methyl 6-((((2-chloroethyl)nitrosoamino)carbonyl) amino)-6-deoxy-alpha-D-glucopyranoside
MCP is an acronym for metacarpophalangeal
MCPA is an acronym for 2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid
MCPB is an abbreviation of 2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxy gamma-butyric acid
MCPP is an abbreviation of m-chlorophenylpiperazine
MCPPA is an acronym for methylenecyclopropylacetic acid
MCPrG is an acronym for 2-(1-methylcyclopropyl)glycine
MCPrG is an acronym for methylenecyclopropylglycine
MCSCP is an acronym for myxococcus spore coat protein
MCTD is an acronym for mixed connective tissue disease
MCTZ is an acronym for methyclothiazide
MCU is an acronym for micturating cystourethrography
MCV is an acronym for mean cell volume
MCV is an acronym for mean corpuscular volume
md is an abbreviation of median
md is an abbreviation of median
MD is an acronym for Doctor of Medicine
MD is an acronym for magnesium deficiency
MD is an acronym for main duct
MD is an acronym for maintenance dose
MD is an acronym for major depression
MD is an acronym for malate dehydrogenase
MD is an acronym for malignant disease
MD is an acronym for malrotation of duodenum
MD is an acronym for manic-depressive
MD is an acronym for manic-depressive
MD is an acronym for Mantoux diameter
MD is an acronym for Marek disease
MD is an acronym for maternal deprivation
MD is an acronym for maximum dose
MD is an acronym for mean deviation
MD is an acronym for Meckel's diverticulum
MD is an acronym for mediastinal disease
MD is an acronym for medical department
MD is an acronym for Medical Design brace
MD is an acronym for Medicinae Doctor
MD is an acronym for mediodorsal
MD is an acronym for medium dosage
MD is an acronym for Meniere disease
MD is an acronym for mental deficiency
MD is an acronym for mental depression
MD is an acronym for mesiodistal
MD is an acronym for Minamata disease
MD is an acronym for minimum dose
MD is an acronym for mitral disease
MD is an acronym for mixed diet
MD is an acronym for moderate disability
MD is an acronym for monocular deprivation
MD is an acronym for movement disorder
MD is an acronym for multiple deficiency
MD is an acronym for muscular dystrophy
MD is an acronym for myelodysplasia
MD is an acronym for myocardial damage
MD is an acronym for myocardial disease
MD is an acronym for myotonic dystrophy
MDA is an acronym for mento-dextra anterior
MDA is an acronym for methylenedioxyamphetamine
MDA is an acronym for motor discriminative acuity
MDADR is an abbreviation of 3'-(4-morpholinyl)-3'-deaminodaunorubicin
MDAI is an abbreviation of 5,6-methylenedioxy-2-aminoindan
MDB is an acronym for methylene dioxybenzene
MDBP is an acronym for methylated DNA-binding protein
MDCK is an acronym for Madin-Darby canine kidney
MDDGP is an abbreviation of methyl 4,6-dichloro-4,6-dideoxy-alpha-galactopyranoside
MDDMAO is an abbreviation of 1-methyldodecyldimethylamine oxide
MDEA is an abbreviation of 3,4-methylenedioxyethamphetamine
MDEL is an acronym for medical decision concerning end of life
MDEO is an abbreviation of 7-methyl-10,17-diacetoxy-4-estren-3-one
MDF is an acronym for myocardial depressant factor
MDH is an acronym for malate dehydrogenase
MDH is an acronym for malic dehydrogenase
MDH is an acronym for medullary dorsal horn
MDL is an acronym for (R)-(+)-mandelonitrile lyase
MDM is an acronym for medical decision making
MDM is an acronym for mid-diastolic murmur
MDM is an acronym for minor determinant mix
MDMP is an abbreviation of 2-(4-methyl-2,6-dinitroanilino)-N-methylpropionamide
MDNG is an abbreviation of N-methyl-N,N'-dinitroguanidine
MDP is an acronym for mandibular dysostosis and peromelia
MDP is an acronym for manic-depressive psychosis
MDP is an acronym for maximum deliverable pressure
MDP is an acronym for mento-dextra posterior
MDP is an acronym for methylene diphosphonate
MDP is an acronym for muramyldipeptide
MDR is an acronym for multidrug resistance
MDR is an acronym for multidrug resistant
MDR-TB is an acronym for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis
MDSGS is an acronym for methyl-2-deoxy-2-sulfamino-alpha-D-glucopyranoside 3-sulfate
MDT is an acronym for mean dissolution time
MDT is an acronym for multidrug therapy
MDT is an acronym for multiple drug therapy
MDTC is an acronym for monodansylthiacadaverine
MeBBPP is an acronym for 1-(2-methyl-6-benzothiazolyl)-3-(N-benzyl-4-piperidinyl)propan-1-one
Mec is an abbreviation of mecamylamine
mec is an abbreviation of methicillin resistance
MeC is an acronym for 5-methyl-deoxycytidine
MEc is an acronym for conceptual metabolizable energy
MEC is an acronym for mammary epithelial cell
MEC is an acronym for median effective concentration
MEC is an acronym for methotrexate, epirubicin and cisplatin
Mec is an acronym for methylcoumaryl
MeC is an acronym for methylcytosine
MEC is an acronym for middle ear canal
MEC is an acronym for middle ear cavity
MEC is an acronym for middle ear cell
MEC is an acronym for minimum effective concentration
MEC is an acronym for mucoepidermoid carcinoma
MEC is an acronym for mucosal esophageal cancer
MECA is an abbreviation of 5'-N-methylcarboxamideadenosine
MeCAAVP is an acronym for (1-mercapto-4-methylcyclohexaneacetic acid arginine vasopressin
MED is an acronym for minimal effective dose
MED is an acronym for minimal erythema dose
MeDAB is an abbreviation of methyldimethylaminoazobenzene
MeDSG is an acronym for methyldeoxyspergualin
meg is an abbreviation of megacycle
MEG is an abbreviation of megakaryocyte
MEG is an acronym for magnetoencephalogram
MEG is an acronym for magnetoencephalograph
MEG is an acronym for magnetoencephalography
MEG is an acronym for mercaptoethylguanidine
MEG is an acronym for multifocal eosinophilic granuloma
meg. is an abbreviation of megakaryocyte
meg. is an abbreviation of megaloblast
meg. is an abbreviation of megaloblastic
MeGal is an acronym for 2-(methacryloyloxy)ethyl beta-D-galactopyranoside
MeGal is an acronym for mono-O-methylgalactose
MEGX is an acronym for monoethylglycinexylidide
MEHC is an abbreviation of N-monoethylhomocholine
MEHP is an acronym for mono-(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate
MELAS is an acronym for mitochondrial myopathy, encephalopathy, lactic acidosis and stroke-like episodes
MEM is an abbreviation of memantine
MEM is an acronym for macrophage electrophoretic mobility
MEM is an acronym for minimal essential medium
MEM is an acronym for mitochondrial malic enzyme
MEMAC is an acronym for methoxyethylene-maleic anhydride copolymer
MEN is an acronym for multiple endocrine neoplasia
MENT is an acronym for 7alpha-methyl-19-nortestosterone
MEO is an acronym for malignant external otitis
MeOBGDTC is an abbreviation of N-(4-methoxybenzyl)glucamine dithiocarbamate
MeOEtdiMeCy is an abbreviation of 2-(1-(methoxyimino)ethyl)-5,5-dimethyl-3-hydroxycyclohex-2-en-1-one
MEOS is an acronym for microsomal ethanol oxidizing system
MEP is an abbreviation of mepiridine
MeP is an acronym for 6-methylpurine
MEP is an acronym for maximum expiratory pressure
MEP is an acronym for mean effective pressure
MEP is an acronym for mitochondrial encephalopathy
MEP is an acronym for motor end-plate
MEP is an acronym for motor evoked potential
MEP is an acronym for muscle-evoked potential
MePyPs is an abbreviation of 7-methylpyrido(3,4-c)psoralen
meq is an abbreviation of milliequivalent
MER is an acronym for mean ejection rate
MER is an acronym for methanol-extruded residue
MER is an acronym for molar esterification rate
MER is an acronym for multimodality evoked response
MERGETPA is an abbreviation of 2-mercaptomethyl-3-guanidinoethylthiopropionic acid
MERRF is an acronym for myoclonus epilepsy with ragged-red fibers
Mes is an abbreviation of mesencephalic
Mes is an abbreviation of mesencephalon
MES is an acronym for maintenance electrolyte solution
MES is an acronym for maximal electroshock
MES is an acronym for maximal electroshock seizure
MES is an acronym for multiple endocrine syndrome
MES is an acronym for muscles in elongated state
MES is an acronym for myoelectric signal
MESA is an acronym for myoepithelial sialadenitis
MESI is an acronym for Mangled Extremity Syndrome Index
MESI is an acronym for membrane extraction with a sorbent interface
messenger RNA is an acronym for messenger ribonucleic acid
Meth A is an abbreviation of methylcholanthrene-induced fibrosarcoma
METH is an abbreviation of methamphetamine
Meth is an abbreviation of methedrine
METH is an abbreviation of methicillin
meth is an abbreviation of methyl
MeTHBPS is an acronym for 4-methyltetrahydrobenzopsoralen
methylthio-ADP is an acronym for methylthio-adenosine diphosphate
MEV is an acronym for maximal exercise ventilation
MeV is an acronym for megaelectron volt
Mev is an acronym for million electron volts
MEV is an acronym for murine erythroblastosis virus
MF is an acronym for meat free
MF is an acronym for medium frequency
MF is an acronym for megafarad
MF is an acronym for membrane filler
MF is an acronym for merthiolate-formaldehyde
MF is an acronym for microfibril
MF is an acronym for microfilament
MF is an acronym for microflocculation
MF is an acronym for microscopic factor
MF is an acronym for midcavity forceps
MF is an acronym for mitochondrial fragments
MF is an acronym for mitogenic factor
MF is an acronym for mitomycin-fluorouracil
MF is an acronym for mitotic figure
MF is an acronym for mucosal fluid
MF is an acronym for multifactorial
MF is an acronym for multiplication factor
MF is an acronym for mutation frequency
MF is an acronym for mycosis fungoides
MF is an acronym for myelin figure
MF is an acronym for myelofibrosis
MF is an acronym for myocardial fibrosis
MF is an acronym for myofibrillar
MFABP is an acronym for membrane fatty acid binding protein
MFAME is an abbreviation of Mag-Fura-2-acetoxymethyl ester
MFMD is an acronym for monofluoromethyldopa
MFPA is an acronym for 4-(2-methoxyphenyl)-2-carboxy-3-pyrrolidineacetic acid
MFP-a is an acronym for multifunctional protein-a
MFPP is an acronym for methyl 4-formylphenyl phosphate
MFTAHP is an abbreviation of N(5)-methyl-N(5)-formyl-2,5,6-triamino-4-hydroxypyrimidine
Mg is an abbreviation of magnesium
mg is an abbreviation of milligram
MgADP is an abbreviation of magnesium adenosine diphosphate
MgATP is an abbreviation of magnesium adenosine triphosphate
MGBB is an acronym for methylglyoxal bis(butylamidinohydrazone)
MGBC is an acronym for methylglyoxal bis(cyclohexylamidinohydrazone)
MGBCP is an acronym for methylglyoxal bis(cyclopentylamidinohydrazone)
MGBG is an acronym for methylglyoxal-bis(guanyl-hydrazone)
MGC is an acronym for macroglomerular complex
MGC is an acronym for multinucleated giant cell
MGCS is an acronym for Modified Glasgow Coma Scale
MGLDG is an acronym for monogalactosyldiglyceride
MGM is an abbreviation of meningioma
mgm is an abbreviation of milligram
MGM is an acronym for maternal grandmother
mGM-CSF is an acronym for murine granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor
MGN is an acronym for medial geniculate nucleus
MGN is an acronym for membranous glomerulonephritis
MgProto is an abbreviation of magnesium protoporphyrin
MgProtoMe is an abbreviation of magnesium protoporphyrin IX monomethyl ester
MGSA is an acronym for melanoma growth stimulatory activity
MGSNF is an acronym for mammary gland-specific nuclear factor
MH is an abbreviation of malignant histiocytosis
MH is an abbreviation of malignant hyperpyrexia
MH is an abbreviation of malignant hypertension
MH is an abbreviation of malignant hyperthermia
MH is an abbreviation of mammotropic hormone
MH is an abbreviation of mannoheptulose
MH is an abbreviation of marital history
MH is an abbreviation of medial hypothalamus
MH is an abbreviation of medical history
MH is an abbreviation of melanophore-stimulating hormone
MH is an abbreviation of menstrual history
MH is an abbreviation of mental health
MH is an abbreviation of mental hygiene
MH is an abbreviation of moist heat
MH is an abbreviation of monosymptomatic hypochondriasis
MH is an abbreviation of murine hepatitis
MH is an abbreviation of mutant hybrid
MH is an abbreviation of myohyoid
MHC is an acronym for major histocompatibility complex
MHHMB is an abbreviation of 2-(6'-methylheptanol-1'-yl)-3-hydroxymethyl-4-butanolide
MHPEO is an abbreviation of methyl 9-hydroperoxy-12,13-epoxy-10-octadecenoic acid
MHPG is an acronym for metabolite 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol
MHTP is an abbreviation of 7-mercaptoheptanoylthreonine phosphate
MHV is an acronym for magnetic heart vector
MHV is an acronym for middle hepatic vein
MHV is an acronym for mouse hepatitis virus
MHV is an acronym for murine herpesvirus
MHz is an abbreviation of megahertz
Mi is an abbreviation of mitomycin
MI is an acronym for massa intermedia
MI is an acronym for maturation index
MI is an acronym for medical inspection
MI is an acronym for melanophore index
MI is an acronym for menstrual induction
MI is an acronym for mental illness
MI is an acronym for mental institution
MI is an acronym for mercaptoimidazole
MI is an acronym for mesio-incisal
MI is an acronym for metabolic index
MI is an acronym for migration index
MI is an acronym for migration inhibition
MI is an acronym for mild irritant
MI is an acronym for mitotic index
MI is an acronym for mitral incompetence
MI is an acronym for mitral insufficiency
MI is an acronym for mononucleosis infectiosa
MI is an acronym for morphology index
MI is an acronym for motility index
MI is an acronym for myocardial ischemia
MI is an acronym for myo-inositol
mi. is an abbreviation of mile
mi. is an abbreviation of mill
mi. is an abbreviation of minor
mi. is an abbreviation of minute
MIABT is an acronym for monoiodo alpha-bungarotoxin
MIAN is an acronym for medicine intern admit note
MIBG is an acronym for meta-iodobenzylguanidine
MIC is an acronym for minimal inhibitory concentration
MIC is an acronym for minimum inhibitory concentration
MICG is an acronym for macromolecular insoluble cold globulin
microA is an abbreviation of microampere
microCi is an abbreviation of microcurie
microL is an abbreviation of microliter
microM is an abbreviation of micrometer
microV is an abbreviation of microvolt
mid is an acronym for minimal infective dose
MIDAS syndrome is an acronym for microphthalmia-dermal aplasia-sclerocornea syndrome
Midwest is an abbreviation of Middle West
MIF is an acronym for macrophage inhibitory factor
MIF is an acronym for macrophage-inhibiting factor
MIF is an acronym for maximal inspiratory flow
MIF is an acronym for melanocyte inhibitory factor
MIF is an acronym for melanocyte-stimulating hormone release-inhibiting factor
MIF is an acronym for melanocyte-stimulating hormone-inhibiting factor
MIF is an acronym for melanotrophic-inhibiting factor
MIF is an acronym for merthiolate-iodine-formaldehyde
MIF is an acronym for microimmunofluorescence
MIF is an acronym for midinspiratory flow
MIF is an acronym for migration inhibition factor
MIF is an acronym for migration inhibitory factor
MIF is an acronym for migratory-inhibiting factor
MIF is an acronym for mixed immunofluorescence
MIF is an acronym for mullerian-inhibiting factor
MIF test is an abbreviation of migration inhibitory factor test
MIg is an acronym for malaria immunoglobulin
MIG is an acronym for measles immune globulin
MIg is an acronym for measles immunoglobulin
MIG is an acronym for Medicare Insured Group
MIG is an acronym for Medicare Insured Groups
MIg is an acronym for membrane immunoglobulin
MIHC is an abbreviation of myosin I heavy chain-like protein
MIL is an acronym for mother-in-law
mil. is an abbreviation of mililiter
mil. is an abbreviation of military
MIMAC is an acronym for mitomycin C-immunoglobulin M antibody conjugate
MIMIU is an acronym for N-(1-methyl-5-indolyl)-N'-(3-methyl-5-isothiazolyl)urea
MIMP is an acronym for methyl inosine monophosphate
min is an abbreviation of mineral
min is an abbreviation of minim
min is an abbreviation of minimum
min is an abbreviation of minor
min is an abbreviation of minute
MION is an acronym for monocrystalline iron oxide nonaparticle
MIP is an acronym for maximum inspiratory pressure
MIP is an acronym for mean incubation period
MIP is an acronym for mean intravascular pressure
MIP is an acronym for middle interphalangeal
MIP is an acronym for minimal inspiratory pressure
MIT is an acronym for Massachusetts Institute of Technology
mIU is an acronym for milli-International unit
MIVNT is an abbreviation of 7-methyl-17-(2'-iodovinyl)-19-nortestosterone
MJ is an abbreviation of Machado-Joseph disease
MJ is an abbreviation of marijuana
MJ is an abbreviation of megajoule
mj is an abbreviation of millijoule
MK is an abbreviation of monkey lung (cell culture)
MKBP is an acronym for mouse kallikrein-binding protein
ml is an abbreviation of milliliter
MLA is an acronym for Medical Library Association
MLA is an acronym for methyllycaconitine
MLA is an acronym for Modern Language Association
MLA is an acronym for monophosphoryl lipid A
MLC is an abbreviation of mixed lymphocyte culture
MLD is an acronym for manual lymph drainage
MLD is an acronym for manual lymphatic drainage
MLD is an acronym for median lethal dose
MLD is an acronym for metachromatic leukodystrophy
MLD is an acronym for minimal lesion disease
MLD is an acronym for minimal lumen diameter
MLD is an acronym for minimal luminal diameter
MLD is an acronym for minimum lethal dose
MLD is an acronym for minimum lumen diameter
mliter is an abbreviation of milliliter
MLNS is an acronym for minimal lesion nephrotic syndrome
MLNS is an acronym for mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome
MLP is an acronym for mentolaeva posterior
MLP is an acronym for mesiolinguopulpal
MLP is an acronym for microsomal lipoprotein
MLR is an abbreviation of mixed lymphocyte reaction
MLV is an acronym for mean lung volume
MLV is an acronym for multilamellar vesicle
MLV is an acronym for murine leukemia virus
mm is an abbreviation of millimeter
mm2 is an abbreviation of millimeter squared
mm3 is an abbreviation of cubed millimeter
MMBT is an acronym for morpholinyl mercaptobenzothiazole
MMC is an abbreviation of migrating myoelectric complex
MMC is an abbreviation of minimum medullary concentration
MMC is an abbreviation of mitomycin C
MMC is an abbreviation of mucosal mast cell
MMCD is an acronym for mitomycin C-dextran
MMCYGL is an abbreviation of methylmercury cysteinylglycine
MMEF is an acronym for maximum midexpiratory flow
MMEF is an acronym for mean maximum expiratory flow
MMFR is an acronym for maximal midflow rate
MMFR is an acronym for maximum midexpiratory flow rate
MMFR is an acronym for mean mid-expiratory flow rate
MMGTH is an abbreviation of methylmercury glutathione
mmHg is an abbreviation of millimeter of mercury
MMHSK is an abbreviation of methyl-3-methoxy-4-hydroxystyryl ketone
MMIHS is an acronym for megacystis-microcolon-intestinal hypoperistalsis syndrome
mmole is an abbreviation of millimole
MMPA is an abbreviation of 3-mercapto-2-methylpropionic acid
MMPCO is an abbreviation of 2-methyl-2-(4-methylpent-3-enyl)-2H-chromen-6-ol
MMPI is an acronym for Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
MMPMS is an abbreviation of 1-methoxy-5-methylphenazinium methyl sulfate
MMPP is an acronym for magnesium monoperoxyphthalate
MMR is an acronym for measles-mumps-rubella vaccine
MMSDH is an acronym for methylmalonic-semialdehyde dehydrogenase
MMSE is an acronym for Mini-Mental State Examination
MMTS is an acronym for methyl methanethiosulfonate
MMTV is an abbreviation of mouse mammary tumor virus
Mn is an abbreviation of manganese
MN is an acronym for Master of Nursing
MNAA is an acronym for 4-(N-methyl-N-nitroso)aminoantipyrine
MnATP is an abbreviation of manganese adenosine triphosphate
MnBK is an acronym for methyl n-butyl ketone
MNBS is an abbreviation of methyl-4-nitrobenzenesulfonate
MnC is an abbreviation of magnesium C
MNC is an acronym for minocycline
MNC is an acronym for mononuclear cell
MNC is an acronym for most negative charge
MNCPDTC is an abbreviation of manganese cyclopentadienyl tricarbonyl
MND is an acronym for motor neuron disease
MNDA is an acronym for myeloid cell nuclear differentiation antigen
MnDF is an abbreviation of manganese desferioxamine
MNNG is an abbreviation of N-methyl N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine
MNPN is an abbreviation of 3-(methylnitrosamino)propionitrile
MnSOD is an abbreviation of manganous superoxide dismutase
MNU is an acronym for methylnitrosourea
MNU is an acronym for N-methylnitrosourea thioester
MNU is an acronym for N-methyl-N-nitrosourea
Mo is an abbreviation of molybdenum
mo is an abbreviation of moment
MO is an acronym for Medical Officer
MO is an acronym for modus operandi
MoAb is an acronym for monoclonal antibody
MOCA is an acronym for methotrexate, Oncovin, cyclophosphamide, and Adriamycin
MODY is an acronym for maturity-onset diabetes of youth
MOH is an acronym for Medical Officer of Health
MOH is an acronym for Ministry of Health
MOHO is an acronym for Model of Human Occupation
MOI is an acronym for maximum oxygen intake
MOI is an acronym for methacryloyloxyethyl isocyanate
MOI is an acronym for multiple oblique illumination
MOI is an acronym for multiplicity of infection
MOMO is an acronym for macrosomia-obesity-macrocephaly-ocular
MOMO syndrome is an acronym for macrosomia-obesity-macrocephaly-ocular abnormality syndrome
Mon is an abbreviation of monocytes
mon is an abbreviation of monomer
mon is an abbreviation of month
MOPA is an acronym for monooleylphosphatidic acid
MOPDAD is an abbreviation of 3'-(4-methoxy-1-piperidinyl)-3'-deaminodaunorubicin
MOPEG is an acronym for 3 methoxy 4 hydroxyphenyletheleneglycol
MOPEG is an acronym for 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol
MOR is an abbreviation of morphine
MOR is an acronym for mu-opioid receptor
MORT is an acronym for management oversight and risk tree
Mort. wolfii is an abbreviation of Mortierella wolfii
MOSE is an abbreviation of di-beta-(morpholinoethyl)selenide
mOsm is an abbreviation of milliosmol
Mot is an abbreviation of motor
MOT is an acronym for mini-object test
MOT is an acronym for mouse ovarian tumor
MOTOMA is an abbreviation of N(6)-methoxy-2',3',5'-tri-O-methyladenosine
mp is an acronym for melting point
MP is an acronym for Member of Parliament
MP is an acronym for Military Police
mp. is an acronym for melting point
MPA is an abbreviation of main pulmonary artery
MPA is an abbreviation of medial preoptic area
MPA is an abbreviation of Medical Procurement Agency
MPA is an abbreviation of medroxyprogesterone acetate
MPA is an abbreviation of methylprednisolone acetate
MPA is an abbreviation of microscopic polyarteritis
MPA is an abbreviation of minor physical anomaly
MPBTU is an abbreviation of 1-methyl-1-phenyl-3-benzoylthiourea
MPCMFC is an acronym for N-methyl-N-(5-((1'-phenyl-1'-cyclohexylacetoxy)methyl) -2 -furfuryl)cyclohexylamine
MPCU is an abbreviation of N-(4-methylphenylsulfonyl)-N'-(4-chlorophenyl)urea
MPD is an acronym for main pancreatic duct
MPD is an acronym for mean population doubling
MPD is an acronym for membrane potential difference
MPD is an acronym for minimal papular dose
MPD is an acronym for minimal phototoxic dose
MPD is an acronym for minimum perceptible difference
MPD is an acronym for minimum port diameter
MPD is an acronym for Minnesota Percepto-Diagnostic
MPD is an acronym for multiplanar display
MPD is an acronym for multiple personality disorder
MPD is an acronym for myeloproliferative disease
MPD is an acronym for myofascial pain dysfunction
MPDHIP is an abbreviation of 2-methyl-6-phenyl-3,7-dihydroimidazo(1,2-a) pyrazin-3-one
MPDP is an abbreviation of 1-methyl-4-phenyl-2,3-dihydropyridinium
MPEG is an acronym for methoxypolyethylene glycol
MPEG is an acronym for Moving Picture Experts Group
MPEOA is an abbreviation of N-methylphenylethanolamine
mpg is an acronym for miles per gallon
MPGN is an acronym for membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis
MPH is an abbreviation of 5,10-dihydro-5-methylphenazine
MPHIP is an acronym for 5-methoxy-N-propyl-2,3,4,4a,9,9a-hexahydro-1-H-indeno (2,1-c) pyridine
MPL is an acronym for monophosphoryl lipid A
MPMAP is an abbreviation of 2-(4-methyl-1-piperazinylmethyl)acrylophenone
MPO is an acronym for maximum power output
MPO is an acronym for minimal perceptible odor
MPO is an acronym for myeloperoxidase
MPP is an abbreviation of massive peritoneal proliferation
MPP is an abbreviation of medical personnel pool
MPP is an abbreviation of mercaptopyrazide pyrimidine
MPP is an abbreviation of metacarpophalangeal profile
MPP is an abbreviation of methyl phenylpyridinium
MPPalpha is an acronym for magnesium-dependent protein phosphatase alpha
MPPB is an abbreviation of 1-methyl-5-phenyl-5-propylbarbiturate
MPPMPF is an acronym for 7-((3-(4-methoxytetrahydro-2H-pyran-4-yl)phenyl)methoxy) -4 -phenylnaphtho(2,3-c)furan-1(3H)-one
MPR is an abbreviation of marrow production rate
MPR is an abbreviation of massive preretinal retraction
MPR is an abbreviation of maximum pulse rate
MPR is an abbreviation of myeloproliferative reaction
MPS is an acronym for mucopolysaccharidosis
MPSO is an abbreviation of methylprednisolone 21-(8-(methyl-(2-sulfoethyl)amino) -8 -oxoctanoate)
MPTO is an abbreviation of 1-methyl-3-phenyl-1,2,4-triazin-5-one
MPTP is an acronym for 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine
MQNO is an abbreviation of methaqualone-1-oxide
MR is an acronym for magnetic resonance
Mr. is an abbreviation of Mister
MRA is an acronym for main renal artery
MRA is an acronym for marrow repopulation activity
MRA is an acronym for medical records administrator
MRA is an acronym for multivariate regression analysis
MRC is an acronym for Medical Reserve Corps
MRD is an acronym for minimal residual disease
MRI is an acronym for magnetic resonance imaging
MRL is an acronym for medical record librarian
mRNA is an abbreviation of messenger ribonucleic acid
mRNP is an acronym for messenger ribonucleoprotein
MROD is an acronym for methoxyresorufin-O-demethylase
MRPP is an abbreviation of 4-methoxy-8-(ribofuranosylamino) pyrimido (5,4-d) pyrimidine
MRSA is an acronym for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
MRT is an acronym for magnetic resonance tomography
MRT is an acronym for maximum relaxation time
MRT is an acronym for median reaction time
MRT is an acronym for median recognition threshold
MRT is an acronym for median relapse time
MRT is an acronym for medical records technology
MRT is an acronym for milk ring test
MRT is an acronym for muscle response test
MRV is an acronym for magnetic resonance venography
MRV is an acronym for mandatory rate ventilation
MRV is an acronym for minute respiration volume
MRV is an acronym for mixed respiratory vaccine
ms is an abbreviation of millisecond
Ms is an abbreviation of title for a woman
MS is an acronym for multiple sclerosis
MSA is an acronym for mixed sleep apnea
MSAAPVCK is an acronym for methoxysuccinyl-alanyl-alanyl-prolyl-valine chloromethyl ketone
MSACK is an acronym for methoxysuccinyl-alanyl-alanyl-prolyl-alanine chloromethyl ketone
MSAFP is an acronym for maternal serum alpha feto-protein
MSBT is an acronym for Martius scarlet blue trichrome
msec is an abbreviation of millisecond
MSG is an acronym for monosodium glutamate
MSG is an acronym for monosodium L-glutamate
MSH is an acronym for melanocyte-stimulating hormone
MSKCC is an acronym for Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
MSL is an acronym for midsternal line
MSL is an acronym for multiple symmetric lipomatosis
MSMAB is an abbreviation of methylsulfinylmethyl 2-acetoxybenzoate
MSP is an acronym for mean serum prolactin
MSS is an acronym for marital satisfaction scale
MST is an acronym for median survival time
MSTFA is an acronym for N-methyl(trimethylsilyl)trifluoroacetamide
MSTFA is an acronym for N-methyl-N-(trimethylsilyl)trifluoroacetamide
MSU is an acronym for maple sugar urine
MSU is an acronym for maple syrup urine
MSU is an acronym for medical studies unit
MSU is an acronym for mid-stream urine
MSU is an acronym for monosodium urate
MSU is an acronym for myocardial substrate uptake
MSUD is an acronym for maple sugar urine disease
MSUM is an acronym for monosodium urate monohydrate
msv is an abbreviation of maximum sustained level of ventilation
msv is an abbreviation of mean scale value
msv is an abbreviation of Moloney sarcoma virus
msv is an abbreviation of murine sarcoma virus
MSYS is an abbreviation of methylethyl(silatrane-1-ylmethyl)sulfonium
Mt is an abbreviation of mountain
MT is an acronym for medical technologist
mt is an acronym for membrana tympani
MTBA is an abbreviation of 1-4-(3-methyltriazeno)benzoic acid
MTBE is an acronym for methyl tert-butyl ether
MTBO is an acronym for 2-methylthio-4H-1,3,2-benzodioxaphosphorin 2-oxide
MTBSTFA is an abbreviation of N-methyl-N-(tert-butyldimethylsilyl) trifluoroacetamide
MTC is an acronym for mass transfer coefficient
MTC is an acronym for maximum tolerated concentration
MTC is an acronym for maximum toxic concentration
MTC is an acronym for medical test cabinet
MTC is an acronym for medical training center
MTC is an acronym for medullary thyroid carcinoma
MTC is an acronym for mitomycin C
MTCA is an abbreviation of 1-methyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-beta-carboline -3 -carboxylic acid
MTCLPA is an acronym for microtubule cross-linking protein, Artemia
MTD is an acronym for maximum tolerated dose
MTD is an acronym for mean total dose
MTD is an acronym for metastatic trophoblastic disease
MTD is an acronym for Midwife Teacher's Diploma
MTD is an acronym for Monroe tidal drainage
MTD is an acronym for multiple tic disorder
mtDNA is an abbreviation of mitochondrial diribonucleic acid
MTDPDC is an abbreviation of methyl 11,17,21-trihydroxy-3,20 -dioxopregna-1,4 -diene -16 -carboxylate
MTDQ is an abbreviation of 6,6'-methylene bis(2,2,4-trimethyl-1,2 -dihydroquinoline)
MTH is an abbreviation of mithramycin
MTH is an abbreviation of UMLS Metathesaurus
MTHF is an abbreviation of 5,11-methenyltetrahydrohomofolate
MTHPTPGL is an abbreviation of methylenetetrahydropteroylpolyglutamate
MTM is an acronym for medial tympaniform membrane
MTM is an acronym for myotubular myopathy
MTMBTG is an acronym for methyl-2,3,4,6-tetra-O-(4-methoxybenzyl)-1 -thiogalactopyranoside
MTMC is an acronym for m-tolylmethylcarbamate
MTP is an acronym for microsomal triglyceride transfer protein
MTP is an acronym for mitochondrial permeability transition pore
MTSEA is an acronym for methanethiosulfonate ethylammonium
MTT is an abbreviation of malignant teratoma, trophoblastic
MTT is an abbreviation of maximal treadmill test
MTT is an abbreviation of meal tolerance test
MTT is an abbreviation of mean transit time
MTX is an abbreviation of methotrexate
MTYA is an abbreviation of methacryloyl tyrosineamide
mu is an abbreviation of micrometer
MUA is an acronym for manipulation under anesthetic
MUA is an acronym for mercaptoundecanoic acid
MUA is an acronym for multiple unit activity
MUA is an acronym for multiunit activity
MUABG is an abbreviation of 4-methylumbelliferyl 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-beta-D -glucopyranoside
muc is an abbreviation of mucilage
muc is an abbreviation of mucoid
muc is an abbreviation of mucous
muc is an abbreviation of mucus
MUC is an acronym for maximum urinary concentration
MUC is an acronym for mucosal ulcerative colitis
MUCAP is an abbreviation of 4-methylumbelliferyl caprylate
MUD is an abbreviation of minimal urticarial dose
MUF is an acronym for 4-methylumbelliferyl
MUF is an acronym for methylumbelliferyl
MUF is an acronym for modified ultrafiltration
MUGA is an acronym for multi-gated acquisition
MUGB is an abbreviation of 4-methylumbelliferylguanidinobenzoate
mult is an abbreviation of multiple
mult is an abbreviation of multiple
multiODA is an acronym for multivariable optimal discriminant analysis
MuLV is an acronym for murine leukemia virus
MUP is an acronym for major urinary protein
MUP is an acronym for mouse urinary protein
MUTMAC is an abbreviation of 4-methylumbelliferyl-4-trimethylammonium cinnamate
MUVH is an acronym for Murdoch University Veterinary Hospital
Mv is an abbreviation of mendelevium
mV is an abbreviation of milliVolt
mv is an abbreviation of millivolt
MV is an acronym for medicus veterinarius
MV is an acronym for microvessel
MVDP is an acronym for mouse vas deferens protein
MVP is an acronym for mitomycin-vinblastine-platinum
MVPP is an acronym for mustine, vinblastine, procarbazine, and prednisone
MVR is an abbreviation of mitral valve replacement
MVSP is an abbreviation of N,N'-methylenebis (beta-vinylsulfonylpropionamide)
Mw is an abbreviation of megawatt
mw is an abbreviation of milliwatt
MW is an acronym for molecular weight
MX is an abbreviation of matrix
Mx is an abbreviation of maxwell
Mx is an abbreviation of medicin extension
myelo-CT is an acronym for myelo-computed tomography
myristoyl-coA is an abbreviation of myristoyl coenzyme A
MZ is an abbreviation of mantle zone
MZ is an abbreviation of meziocillin
MZ is an abbreviation of monozygotic

Note: Sharing a smile is good for your health.

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