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Learn English Grammar

Meanings of Soft

Sr.English WordsUrdu Words
مُلائم ۔ گداز ۔ نرم ۔ گوارا ۔ کِسی لمس کو قبول کرنے والا ۔

نرم ۔

نرم ۔
نرم ۔
Noun, Adjective
نرم ۔ ملائم ۔ گد گدا ۔ معتدل ۔ ہلکی شراب ۔ دوستانہ ۔ دردمند ۔


Line breaks: soft
Pronunciation: /soft/


1Easy to mould, cut, compress, or fold; not hard or firm to the touch: 

'soft margarine' 

the ground was soft beneath their feet
1.1Having a smooth surface or texture; not rough or coarse:
'soft crushed velvet'
'her hair felt very soft'
1.2(Of a person) weak and lacking courage:  
soft southerners 
1.3(Of a market, currency, or commodity) falling or likely to fall in value: 
'now a new factor looms: soft oil prices '
'the rouble, so soft that it buys nothing worth having' 
 Having a pleasing quality involving a subtle effect or contrast rather than sharp definition: 
' the soft glow of the lamps '
'the moon’s pale light cast soft shadows'

2.1(Of a voice or sound) quiet and gentle: 
'they spoke in soft whispers'
2.2Not strong or violent: 
'a soft breeze rustled the trees '

3. Sympathetic, lenient, or compassionate, especially to a degree perceived as excessive; not strict or sufficiently strict: 
'the government is not becoming soft on crime '
'Julia’s soft heart was touched by his grief'

3.1(Of words or language) not harsh or angry; conciliatory; soothing:  
'he was no good with soft words, gentle phrases'
3.2 Willing to compromise in political matters: 
'candidates ranging from far right to soft left '

4 (Of a drink) not alcoholic. 
4.1(Of a drug) not likely to cause addiction.
4.2(Of radiation) having little penetrating power.
4.3(Of a detergent) biodegradable.
4.4 (also soft-core) (Of pornography) suggestive or erotic but not explicit.
5(Of water) free from mineral salts that make lathering difficult.     

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