How to Gain Weight in a Week?

How to Gain Weight in a Week?
7 Dino men Wazan Badhaen!

(In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful)

(In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful)

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Abbreviations Start with the Alphabet F

Abbreviations Start with the Alphabet F


F factor is an acronym for fertility factor
F is an abbreviation of Faraday's constant
F is an abbreviation of Farenheit
F is an abbreviation of fertility
F is an abbreviation of fluorine
F is an abbreviation of force
F. acuminatum is an abbreviation of Fusarium acuminatum
F. aquatile is an abbreviation of Flavobacterium aquatile
F. brachyloba is an abbreviation of Ferulago brachyloba
F. canicularis is an abbreviation of Fannia canicularis
F. capillaris is an abbreviation of Ferulago capillaris
F. fasciolaris is an abbreviation of Fimbriaria fasciolaris
F. flavissimus is an abbreviation of Forcipiger flavissimus
F. flavus is an abbreviation of Flavodon flavus
F. fujikuroi is an abbreviation of Fusarium fujikuroi
F. is an abbreviation of Farenheit
F. is an abbreviation of fiat
F. is an abbreviation of field of vision
F. is an abbreviation of formula
F. is an abbreviation of French
F. longirostris is an abbreviation of Forcipiger longirostris
F. mandshurica is an abbreviation of Fraxinus mandshurica
F. necrophorum is an abbreviation of Fusobacterium necrophorum
F. odoratum is an abbreviation of Flavobacterium odoratum
F. pardalis is an abbreviation of Felis pardalis
F. rubra is an abbreviation of Festuca rubra
F. rufus is an abbreviation of Felis rufus
F. tigrina is an abbreviation of Felis tigrina
F. viverrina is an abbreviation of Felis viverrina
F. yagouaroundi is an abbreviation of Felis yagouaroundi
F.A.C.D. is an acronym for Fellow of the American College of Dentists
F.A.C.O.G. is an acronym for Fellow of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
F.A.C.P. is an acronym for Fellow of the American College of Physicians
F.A.C.S. is an acronym for Fellow of the American College of Surgeons
F.A.C.S.M. is an acronym for Fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine
F.A.M.A. is an acronym for Fellow of the American Medical Association
F.A.P.H.A. is an acronym for Fellow of the American Public Health Association
F.D.A. is an acronym for fronto-dextra anterior
F.h. is an acronym for fiat haustus
F.I.C.D. is an acronym for Fellow of the International College of Dentists
F.I.C.S. is an acronym for Fellow of the International College of Surgeons
F.p. is an acronym for fiat potio
F.p. is an acronym for freezing point
F.R.C.P. is an acronym for Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians
F.R.C.P.C. is an acronym for Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Canada
F.R.C.P.E. is an acronym for Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
F.R.C.P.I. is an acronym for Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians in Ireland
F.R.C.S. is an acronym for Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons
F.R.C.S.(C.) is an acronym for Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Canada
F.R.C.S.E. is an acronym for Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
F.R.C.S.I. is an acronym for Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
F.R.C.V.S. is an acronym for Fellow of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons
F.R.F.P.S.G. is an acronym for Fellow of the Royal Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow
F0 is an abbreviation of fundamental frequency
F1 is an abbreviation of first filial generation
F11 is an acronym for fimbria 11
F12 is an acronym for fimbria 12
F13 is an acronym for fibria 13
F1c is an acronym for fibria 1c
F2 is an abbreviation of second filial generation
F7 is an acronym for fimbria 7
F8 is an acronym for fimbria 8
F9 is an acronym for fimbria 9
FA is an acronym for fatty acid
FA is an acronym for Friedreich's ataxia
FAB is an acronym for fragment antigen binding
FACP is an acronym for Fellow of the American College of Physicians
FACS is an acronym for fluorescence-activated cell sorting
FAD is an acronym for familial Alzheimer's dementia
FAD is an acronym for familial autonomic dysfunction
FAD is an acronym for fetal activity-acceleration determination
FAD is an acronym for flavin adenine dinucleotide
FADAE is an abbreviation of fusaric acid N,N-diethylaminoethylamide
FAE is an acronym for fetal alcohol effect
FAF is an acronym for fibroblast-activating factor
FAH is an acronym for Federation of American Hospitals
FAH is an acronym for fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase
FAICAR is an acronym for 5-formamidoimidazole-4-carboxamide ribotide
FALGPA is an abbreviation of 2-furanacryloyl-leucyl-glycyl-prolyl-alanine
FAM is an acronym for foreign air mail
FAME is an acronym for fatty acid methyl esters
FANA is an acronym for fluorescent antinuclear antibody
FANFT is an acronym for formamidonitrofurylthiazole
FAO is an acronym for far-advanced otosclerosis
FAO is an acronym for Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
FAP is an acronym for familial adenomatous polyposis
FAP is an acronym for familial amyloid polyneuropathy
FAP is an acronym for femoral artery pressure
FAP is an acronym for fibrillating action potential
FAP is an acronym for fixed action potential
FAP is an acronym for frozen animal procedure
FAPA is an acronym for fetal acute phase agent
FAPGG is an abbreviation of 2-furanacryloyl-phenylalanyl-glycyl-glycine
FAPOBI is an abbreviation of 4-(6-formyl-3-azidophenoxy)butyrimidate
FAPP is an acronym for feto-acinar pancreatic protein
FaraAMP is an abbreviation of fluoro-ara-adenosine monophosphate
FAS is an acronym for fatty acid synthase
FAS is an acronym for fatty acid synthetase
FAS is an acronym for Federation of American Scientists
FAS is an acronym for fetal alcohol syndrome
FASS is an acronym for field-amplified sample stacking
FASS is an acronym for foot and ankle severity scale
FBAL is an abbreviation of 2-fluoro-beta-alanine
FBGIP is an acronym for fibroblast growth inhibitory protein
FBPNO is an acronym for 1-(4-fluorobenzyl)piperidine-N-oxide
FBS is an abbreviation of fasting blood sugar
FBS is an abbreviation of feedback system
FBS is an abbreviation of fetal bovine serum
Fc is an acronym for fragment, crystallizable
FCA is an acronym for Freund's complete adjuvant
FCaBP is an acronym for flagellar calcium-binding protein
FCM is an acronym for flow cytometry
Fc-maleimide is an abbreviation of fluorescein-maleimide
FCOL is an acronym for 9-fluorocortisol
FCR is an abbreviation of flexor carpi radialis
FCR is an abbreviation of fractional catabolic rate
FCZ is an abbreviation of fluconazole
FD is an acronym for focal distance
FDA is an acronym for Food and Drug Administration
FDC is an abbreviation of follicular dendritic cell
FdCMP is an acronym for 5-fluoro-2'-deoxycytidine 5'-monophosphate
FDCO is an acronym for fractional distribution of cardiac output
FDDT is an abbreviation of 3'-fluoro-2',3'-dideoxythymidine
FDDUrd is an abbreviation of 3'-fluoro-2',3'-dideoxyuridine
FDG is an acronym for 18F-2-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose
FDHL is an acronym for flexor digitorum and hallucis longus
FDLV is an acronym for fer-de-lance virus
FDP is an acronym for fibrin degradation products
FDP is an acronym for fibrinogen degradation products
FDP is an acronym for flexor digitorum profundus
FDP is an acronym for fructose diphosphate
FDPase is an abbreviation of fructose-1,6-diphosphatase
FDTVE is an acronym for fluoromethyl 2,2-difluoro-1-(trifluoromethyl)vinyl ether
FdUMP is an acronym for 5-fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine-5'-monophosphate
fe is an abbreviation of female
fe is an abbreviation of female
Fe is an abbreviation of ferret
Fe is an abbreviation of ferrum
FE is an acronym for fatty ester
FE is an acronym for fecal emesis
FE is an acronym for fetal erythroblastosis
FE is an acronym for fetal erythrocyte
FE is an acronym for fluid extract
FE is an acronym for fluorescing erythrocyte
FE is an acronym for forced expiration
FE is an acronym for forced expiratory
FE is an acronym for formaldehyde-ethanol
FE is an acronym for formalin and ethanol
FE is an acronym for format effector
FeAsc is an abbreviation of ferrous-ascorbate complex
Feb is an abbreviation of February
FEDA is an abbreviation of fluorescein ethylenediamine
FEDU is an abbreviation of 5-(2-fluoroethyl)-2'-deoxyuridine
FEER is an acronym for field even echo rephasing
FEER is an acronym for field even-echo rephasing
FeLV is an acronym for feline leukemia virus
fem is an abbreviation of female
fem is an abbreviation of feminine
fem is an abbreviation of femur
FENP is an abbreviation of 21-fluoro-16-ethyl-19-norprogesterone
FES is an acronym for Family Environment Scale
FES is an acronym for fat embolism syndrome
FES is an acronym for flame emission spectroscopy
FES is an acronym for force expiratory spirogram
FES is an acronym for functional electrical stimulation
FES is an acronym for further examples see
FET is an acronym for forced expiration technique
FET is an acronym for frozen embryo transfer
FEV is an acronym for flat endothelial cell vessels
FEV is an acronym for forced expiratory volume
FEV is an acronym for frog erythrocytic virus
FEV1 is an acronym for forced expiratory volume at one second
FEVC is an acronym for forced expiratory vital capacity
FF is an acronym for fat free
FF is an acronym for filtration fraction
FFA is an abbreviation of Fellow of the Faculty of Anaesthetists
FFA is an abbreviation of free fatty acid
FFM is an acronym for fat-free mass
FFM is an acronym for fundus flavimaculatus
FFRCK is an acronym for phenylalanyl-phenylalanyl-arginine chloromethyl ketone
FG is an abbreviation of fasciculus gracilis
FG is an abbreviation of fast-glycolytic [fiber]
FG is an abbreviation of Feeley-Gorman [agar]
fg is an abbreviation of femtogram
FG is an abbreviation of fibrinogen
FG is an abbreviation of Flemish giant [rabbit]
FGF is an acronym for father's grandfather
FGF is an acronym for fibroblast growth factor
FGF is an acronym for fresh gas flow
FGF receptor is an acronym for fibroblast growth factor receptor
FGFR is an acronym for fibroblast growth factor receptor
FH is an acronym for family history
FH is an acronym for freshly harvested
FH-EC is an acronym for freshly harvested epidermal cells
FHF is an acronym for fulminant hepatic failure
FHR is an acronym for factor-H-related protein
FHR is an acronym for familial hypophosphatemic rickets
FHR is an acronym for fetal heart rate
FHR-3 is an acronym for factor-H-related protein 3
FHR-4 is an acronym for factor-H-related protein 4
FI is an acronym for fluorescence intensity
FIA is an acronym for fluorescence immunoassay analyzer
FIAU triphosphate is an acronym for fialuridine triphosphate
FIAUMP is an acronym for fialuridine monophosphate
FIAUTP is an acronym for fialuridine triphosphate
FIF is an acronym for formaldehyde-induced fluorescence
fig. is an abbreviation of figure
FIGLU is an acronym for formiminoglutamic acid
FIGO is an acronym for International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics
FIP is an acronym for feline infectious peritonitis
FIPV is an acronym for feline infectious peritonitis virus
FITC is an acronym for fluorescein isothiocyanate
FITC-RSA is an acronym for fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled rat serum albumin
FIV is an acronym for forced inspirataory volume
FK is an acronym for feline kidney
FL is an acronym for femur length
fla is an abbreviation of flagellin
FLA is an acronym for fluorescent-labeled antibody
FLA is an acronym for fronto-laeva anterior
FLC is an abbreviation of fetal liver cells
FLCP is an acronym for fetal lung cytostatic protein
Fld is an abbreviation of flavodoxin
FLD is an acronym for familial LCAT deficiency
FLD is an acronym for farmer's lung disease
fld is an acronym for fatty liver dystrophy gene
FLD is an acronym for fibrotic lung disease
FLD is an acronym for fluorescence detection
FLD is an acronym for formaldehyde dehydrogenase
FLD is an acronym for frontal lobe degeneration
FLD is an acronym for frontal lobe dementia
FLG is an acronym for 2',3'-dideoxy-3'-fluoroguanosine
FLK is an acronym for fetal lamb kidney
FLLRN is an acronym for phenylalanyl-leucyl-leucyl-arginyl-asparagine
FLP is an acronym for fronto-laeva posterior
FLT is an acronym for fronto-laeva transversa
fluoro-ara-AMP is an abbreviation of fluoro-ara-adenosine monophosphate
Fm is an abbreviation of fermium
FMAU is an abbreviation of 2'-fluoro-5-methylarabinosyluracil
Fmax is an abbreviation of maximal force
Fmax is an abbreviation of maximum force
FMC is an abbreviation of forearm mineral content
FMD is an abbreviation of forearm mineral density
FMDTEE is an acronym for fluoromethyl 2-methoxy-2,2-difluoro-1-(trifluoromethyl)ethyl ether
FMFTVE is an acronym for fluoromethyl 2-methoxy-2-fluoro-1-(trifluoromethyl)vinyl ether
FMHLPO is an acronym for formyl-methylhomoseryl-leucyl-phenylalanine methyl ester
FMIF is an acronym for fibroblast migration inhibitory factor
FMLP is an abbreviation of formylmethionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine
fMLPdansLys is an acronym for N-formylmethionyl-leucyl-phenylalanyl-(N-dansyl)lysine
FMLPLD is an acronym for N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanyl-lysine-dansyl
FMN is an acronym for flavin mononucleotide
fmol is an abbreviation of femtomole
FMoxLP is an abbreviation of N-formylmethionyl sulfoxide-leucyl-phenylalanine
FMP is an acronym for f-metphe
FMPP is an acronym for 4-(fluoromethyl)phenyl phosphate
FMRFamide is an acronym for phenylalanyl-methionyl-arginyl-phenylalaninamide
FMRFamidelike is an acronym for phenylalanyl-methionyl-arginyl-phenylalaninamidelike
FMS is an abbreviation of fat-mobilizing substance
FMS is an abbreviation of Fellow of the Medical Society
FMS is an abbreviation of fibromyalgia syndrome
FMS is an abbreviation of full mouth series
Fn is an acronym for fibronectin
FNA is an acronym for fine-needle aspiration
FNAB is an abbreviation of fine-needle aspiration biopsy
FNAC is an abbreviation of fine-needle aspiration cytology
FnBP is an acronym for fibronectin-binding protein
FNC is an acronym for fatty nutritional cirrhosis
FNFB is an abbreviation of 5-fluoro-(2'-nitrofuryl)-2-benzimidazole
FNLLP is an abbreviation of N-formylnorleucyl-leucyl-4-phenylalanine
FNR is an acronym for fibronectin receptor
Fo is an abbreviation of fundamental frequency
FOC is an acronym for Fisheries and Oceans Canada
FOC is an acronym for fish-oil concentrate
FOC is an acronym for force of contraction
FOC is an acronym for freedom of choice
FOC is an acronym for fronto-occipital circumference
FOCMA is an acronym for feline oncornavirus-associated cell membrane antigen
FOMi is an acronym for 5-fluorouracil, vincristine, and mitomycin C
FOP is an acronym for fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva
FOP is an acronym for focal organizing pneumonia
FOP is an acronym for forensic pathology
Fop is an acronym for Francisella tularensis outer membrane protein
FOP is an acronym for functional occlusal plane
FOP is an acronym for fundus-oriented perimetry
formylmethionyl-ACTH is an acronym for formylmethionyl adrenocorticotropin
fp is an acronym for foot-pound
FPRCK is an acronym for phenylalanyl-prolyl-arginine-chloromethyl ketone
Fr is an abbreviation of Father
FR is an abbreviation of flocculation reaction
Fr is an abbreviation of franc
Fr is an abbreviation of France
Fr is an abbreviation of francium
Fr is an abbreviation of French
FRAT is an acronym for free radical assay technique
FRC is an abbreviation of functional residual capacity
FREK is an acronym for fibroblast growth factor receptor-like embryonic kinase
FRF is an acronym for follicle-stimulating hormone releasing factor
FRO is an acronym for fibrinogen receptor occupancy
FRO is an acronym for free radical formation
FRTL-5 cell is an acronym for Fisher rat thyroid line-5 cell
FRTL-5 is an acronym for Fisher rat thyroid line-5
FSA is an abbreviation of fibrosarcoma
FSA is an acronym for fractal signature analysis
FSA is an acronym for frozen section analysis
FSE is an acronym for focal symmetrical encephalomalacia
FSGS is an acronym for focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
FSH is an acronym for fascioscapulohumeral
FSH is an acronym for focal and segmental hyalinosis
FSH is an acronym for follicle-stimulating hormone
FSH/LH-RH is an acronym for follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone
FSH-RF is an acronym for follicle stimulating hormone releasing factor
FSS is an acronym for frequency-stepped sweep
ft is an abbreviation of foot
FT is an acronym for fast twitch
FTA is an acronym for fluorescein treponema antibody
FTA is an acronym for fluorescent treponemal antibody
FTA-ABS is an acronym for fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption
FTA-ABS test is an acronym for fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption test
FTHP is an acronym for formyltetrahydrofolate
FTI is an acronym for free thyroxine index
FTIR is an acronym for Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy
FTIR is an acronym for functional terminal innervation ratio
FTP is an acronym for formycin triphosphate
Ftz is an acronym for fushi tarazu
Ftz-F1 is an acronym for fushi tarazu factor 1
FU is an abbreviation of fundus
FU is an acronym for fecal urobilinogen
FU is an acronym for fetal urobilinogen
FU is an acronym for fluorouracil
FU is an acronym for follow-up
FU is an acronym for fractional urinalysis
Fuc is an abbreviation of fucose
FUdR is an acronym for 5-fluorouracil deoxyribonucleoside
FUO is an acronym for fever of unknown origin
FUTP is an acronym for 5-fluorouridine 5'-triphosphate
FV is an acronym for femoral vein
FV is an acronym for fluid volume
FV is an acronym for Friend virus
FVC is an acronym for forced vital capacity
FVGly is an abbreviation of fluorovinylglycine
FVIIIRA is an abbreviation of Factor VIII-related antigen
FZ is an abbreviation of flunitrazepam
fz is an abbreviation of frizzled gene protein
Fz is an abbreviation of frontal midline
Fz is an abbreviation of frontal midline
FZ is an abbreviation of furazolidone
FZ is an acronym for fetal zone
FZ is an acronym for focal zone

Note: Sharing a smile is good for your health.

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