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Urdu meanings of SHAME with examples and history

I am feeling shame.

Sr.English Words
Urdu Words

حیا ۔ شرم ۔ حجاب ۔ شرمندگی ۔ ندامت ۔ ذلّت ۔ باعث ننگ و مار ۔

شرم ۔

شرمندہ ہونا کرنا ۔

شرم ۔

حیا ۔ لاج ۔ حجاب ۔



the painful feeling arising from the consciousness of something dishonorable, improper, ridiculous, etc., done by oneself or another:
She was overcome with shame.
susceptibility to this feeling:
to be without shame.
disgrace; ignominy:
His actions brought shame upon his parents.
a fact or circumstance bringing disgrace or regret:
The bankruptcy of the business was a shame. It was a shame you couldn't come with us.
verb (used with object), shamed, shaming.
to cause to feel shame; make ashamed:
His cowardice shamed him.
to drive, force, etc., through shame:
He shamed her into going.
to cover with ignominy or reproach; disgrace.
for shame!, you should feel ashamed!:
What a thing to say to your mother! For shame!
put to shame,
  1. to cause to suffer shame or disgrace.
  2. to outdo; surpass:
    She played so well she put all the other tennis players to shame.
Related forms
shamable, shameable, adjective
shamably, shameably, adverb
half-shamed, adjective
outshame, verb (used with object), outshamed, outshaming.
unshamable, adjective


1. Shame, embarrassment, mortification, humiliation, chagrin designate different kinds or degrees of painful feeling caused by injury to one's pride or self-respect. Shame is a painful feeling caused by the consciousness or exposure of unworthy or indecent conduct or circumstances: One feels shame at being caught in a lie.It is similar to guilt in the nature and origin of the feeling. Embarrassment usually refers to a feeling less painful than that of shame, one associated with less serious situations, often of a social nature: embarrassment over breaking a teacup at a party.Mortification is a more painful feeling, akin to shame but also more likely to arise from specifically social circumstances: his mortification at being singled out for rebuke.Humiliation is mortification at being humbled in the estimation of others: Being ignored gives one a sense of humiliation.Chagrin is humiliation mingled with vexation or anger: She felt chagrin at her failure to remember her promise. 5. humiliate, mortify, humble, abash, embarrass.
Word Origin and History for shame
Old English scamu, sceomu "feeling of guilt or disgrace; confusion caused by shame; disgrace, dishonor, insult, loss of esteem or reputation; shameful circumstance, what brings disgrace; modesty; private parts," from Proto-Germanic *skamo (cf. Old Saxon skama, Old Norse skömm, Swedish skam, Old Frisian scome, Dutch schaamte, Old High German scama, German Scham). The best guess is that this is from PIE *skem-, from *kem- "to cover" (covering oneself being a common expression of shame).

Until modern times English had a productive duplicate form in shand. An Old Norse word for it was kinnroði, literally "cheek-redness," hence, "blush of shame." Greek distinguished shame in the bad sense of "disgrace, dishonor" ( aiskhyne) from shame in the good sense of "modesty, bashfulness" ( aidos). To put (someone or something) to shame is mid-13c. Shame culture attested by 1947.
Old English scamian "be ashamed, blush, feel shame; cause shame," from the root of shame (n.). Cf. Old Saxon scamian, Dutch schamen, Old High German scamen, Danish skamme, Gothic skaman, German schämen sich. Related: Shamed ; shaming.

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