How to Gain Weight in a Week?

How to Gain Weight in a Week?
7 Dino men Wazan Badhaen!

(In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful)

(In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful)

Learn English Grammar

Abbreviations Start with the Alphabet G

Abbreviations Start with the Alphabet G


G cell is an abbreviation of gastrin cell
G is an abbreviation of conductance
G is an abbreviation of gauss
G is an abbreviation of Gibbs free energy
G is an abbreviation of glucose
G is an abbreviation of glycine
g is an abbreviation of gram
G is an abbreviation of gravitational constant
g is an abbreviation of gravity
G is an abbreviation of guanidine
G is an abbreviation of guanosine
G. agassizii is an abbreviation of Gopherus agassizii
G. anymonieri is an abbreviation of Gyrinocheilus anymonieri
G. asaii is an abbreviation of Gluconobacter asaii
G. assimilis is an abbreviation of Gryllus assimilis
G. atherinae is an abbreviation of Glugea atherinae
G. australianum is an abbreviation of Gymnostoma australianum
G. bimaculatus is an abbreviation of Gryllus bimaculatus
G. breviceps is an abbreviation of Geomys breviceps
G. bronchialis is an abbreviation of Gordona bronchialis
G. cerinus is an abbreviation of Gluconobacter cerinus
G. cirratum is an abbreviation of Ginglymostoma cirratum
G. concinna is an abbreviation of Glossopsitta concinna
G. copei is an abbreviation of Gila copei
G. dama is an abbreviation of Gazella dama
G. domesticus is an abbreviation of Glycyphagus domesticus
G. duebeni is an abbreviation of Gammarus duebeni
G. elongatum is an abbreviation of Gonostoma elongatum
G. eremita is an abbreviation of Geronticus eremita
G. fujikuroi is an abbreviation of Gibberella fujikuroi
G. fuliginosa is an abbreviation of Geospiza fuliginosa
G. geotrichum is an abbreviation of Galactomyces geotrichum
G. girellae is an abbreviation of Goussia girellae
G. groenlandica is an abbreviation of Gynaephora groenlandica
G. haemorrhoidalis is an abbreviation of Gasterophilus haemorrhoidalis
G. inermis is an abbreviation of Gasterophilus inermis
G. ingrahami is an abbreviation of Geocapromys ingrahami
G. integer is an abbreviation of Gryllus integer
G. intestinalis is an abbreviation of Gasterophilus intestinalis
G. intestinalis is an abbreviation of Giardia intestinalis
G. kola is an abbreviation of Garcinia kola
G. margarita is an abbreviation of Gigaspora margarita
G. moringa is an abbreviation of Gymnothorax moringa
G. musae is an abbreviation of Glomerella musae
G. nana is an abbreviation of Grindelia nana
G. nanus is an abbreviation of Gerbillus nanus
G. nasalis is an abbreviation of Gasterophilus nasalis
G. nigricornis is an abbreviation of Gasterophilus nigricornis
G. ovisopis is an abbreviation of Gryllus ovisopis
G. pallida is an abbreviation of Globodera pallida
G. pallidipes is an abbreviation of Glossina pallidipes
G. pecuorum is an abbreviation of Gasterophilus pecuorum
G. pennsylvanicus is an abbreviation of Gryllus pennsylvanicus
G. rivale is an abbreviation of Geum rivale
G. rostochiensis is an abbreviation of Globodera rostochiensis
G. rubens is an abbreviation of Gryllus rubens
G. sempervirens is an abbreviation of Gelsemium sempervirens
G. texensis is an abbreviation of Gryllus texensis
G. unicolor is an abbreviation of Gymnothorax unicolor
G. urbanum is an abbreviation of Geum urbanum
G. vaginalis is an abbreviation of Gardnerella vaginalis
G. varius is an abbreviation of Gomphosus varius
G. veletis is an abbreviation of Gryllus veletis
G.M.C. is an acronym for General Medical Council
G6PD is an acronym for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
Ga is an abbreviation of gallium
Ga is an abbreviation of granulocyte agglutination
GA is an acronym for gastric analysis
GA is an acronym for gastric antrum
GA is an acronym for general anesthesia
GA is an acronym for general appearance
GA is an acronym for gentisic acid
GA is an acronym for gestational age
GA is an acronym for Getting Along
GA is an acronym for gibberellic acid
GA is an acronym for gingivoaxial
GA is an acronym for glucuronic acid
GA is an acronym for glutaric acid
GA is an acronym for Golgi apparatus
GA is an acronym for gramicidin A
GA is an acronym for granulocyte adherence
GA is an acronym for granuloma annulare
GA is an acronym for guessed average
GA is an acronym for gut-associated
GaAs is an abbreviation of gallium arsenide
GABA is an acronym for gamma-aminobutyric acid
GABAA is an acronym for gamma-aminobutyric acid A
GABA-ergic is an acronym for gamma-aminobutyric acid-ergic
GABMTP is an abbreviation of guanosine 5'-(alpha,beta-methylene)triphosphate
GABOB is an abbreviation of gamma-amino-beta-hydroxybutyric acid
GAHPh is an abbreviation of glycyrrhetinic acid 3-O-hemiphthalate
gal is an abbreviation of galactose
gal is an abbreviation of gallon
gal-1 is an abbreviation of galectin-1
GalCST is an abbreviation of galactosylceramide sulphotransferase
GalNAc is an abbreviation of N-acetylgalactosamine
GALT is an acronym for gut-associated lymphoid tissue
Galv. is an abbreviation of galvanic
gamma GT is an acronym for gammaglutamyl transpeptidase
gamma-GT is an acronym for gamma-glutamyltransferase
gammaGTP is an acronym for gammaglutamyl transpeptidase
gamma-IFN is an abbreviation of gamma-interferon
GAOPBA is an acronym for 7-((4-guanidinophenyl)aminocarbonyl)-3 -oxo-4 -phenethyl -1,4-benzodiazepine-2-acetic acid
GAPD is an acronym for glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase
GAPD is an acronym for glyceraldehydephosphate dehydrogenase
GAPO is an acronym for growth retardation, alopecia, pseudoanodontia, optic atrophy
GAPOR is an acronym for glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate ferredoxin oxidoreductase
GAQO is an abbreviation of N(4)-(guanosin-7-yl)-4-aminoquinoline 1-oxide
GAR is an acronym for glyceraldehyde reductase
GAR is an acronym for glycinamide ribonucleotide
GATase is an abbreviation of glutamate acetyltransferase
GAWSSA is an acronym for Gross Alcohol Withdrawal Selective Severity Assessment Scale
GAX collagen is an acronym for glutaraldehyde cross-linked collagen
gax is an acronym for growth arrest-specific homeobox
gaz is an abbreviation of gazette
gaz is an abbreviation of gazetted
gaz is an abbreviation of gazetteer
GBG is an acronym for glycine-rich glycoprotein
GBG is an acronym for gonadal steroid-binding globulin
GBHA is an abbreviation of glyoxal bis(2-hydroxyanil)
GBM is an abbreviation of glomerular basement membrane
GBPH is an abbreviation of glycophorin-binding protein homologue
GBRS is an abbreviation of glutathione-bicarbonate-Ringer solution
GBS is an abbreviation of gallbladder series
GBS is an abbreviation of gastric bypass surgery
GBS is an abbreviation of glycerine-buffered saline
GBS is an abbreviation of group B Streptococcus
GBS is an abbreviation of Guillain-Barre syndrome
GBVSCP is an acronym for group B type V strep capsular polysaccharide
GC is an acronym for gas chromatography
GC is an acronym for germinal center
GC is an acronym for gonococcus
GC/MS is an acronym for gas chromatography / mass spectrometry
GCA is an acronym for giant cell arteritis
GCA is an acronym for glutaradehyde cross-linked human amnion
g-cal. is an abbreviation of gram calorie
GCDCS is an abbreviation of glycochenodeoxycholate-3-sulfate
GCDFP is an abbreviation of gross cystic disease fluid protein
GCF is an acronym for gingival crevicular fluid
GCHBP is an acronym for glycyrrhizin-binding protein
GCMPT is an abbreviation of guanosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphorothioate
GcNeu is an abbreviation of N-glycolylneuraminic acid
GCSTF is an abbreviation of glia cell stimulating factor
GCV is an acronym for ganciclovir
GCV is an acronym for great cardiac vein
Gd is an abbreviation of gadolinium
GDM is an acronym for gestational diabetes mellitus
GDNT is an acronym for glycerol dialkyl nonitol tetraethyl ether
GDP is an acronym for gastroduodenal pylorus
GDP is an acronym for gel diffusion precipitin
GDP is an acronym for guanosine diphosphate
GDPE is an abbreviation of 1-(1-glycero)dodeca-1,3,5,7,9-pentaene
GDPG is an abbreviation of guanosine diphosphate glucose
GDW is an acronym for glass-distilled water
gdw is an acronym for gram dry weight
GE is an abbreviation of gentamicin
Ge is an abbreviation of Gerbich red cell antigen
Ge is an abbreviation of germanium
GE is an acronym for gainfully employed
GE is an acronym for Gansslen-Erb
GE is an acronym for gastric emptying
GE is an acronym for gastroemotional
GE is an acronym for gastroenteritis
GE is an acronym for gastroenterology
GE is an acronym for gastroenterostomy
GE is an acronym for gastroesophageal
GE is an acronym for gastrointestinal endoscopy
GE is an acronym for gel electrophoresis
GE is an acronym for generalized epilepsy
GE is an acronym for generator of excitation
GE is an acronym for glandular epithelium
GE is an acronym for Gsell-Erdheim
GEE is an acronym for generalized estimating equation
GEE is an acronym for glycine-ethyl-ester
GEMSA is an acronym for guanidinoethylmercaptosuccinic acid
GES is an acronym for glucose-electrolyte solution
GES is an acronym for guanidinoethanesulfonate
GF is an abbreviation of gastric fistula
GF is an abbreviation of gastric fluid
GF is an abbreviation of germ-free
GF is an abbreviation of glass factor
GF is an abbreviation of glomerular filtration
GF is an abbreviation of gluten-free
GF is an abbreviation of grandfather
GF is an abbreviation of growth factor
GF is an abbreviation of growth failure
GFAP is an acronym for glial fibrillary acidic protein
GFR is an acronym for glomerular filtration rate
GGACK is an abbreviation of glutamyl-glycyl-arginine chloromethyl ketone
GGBCA is an acronym for gamma-glutaminyl-S-(4-methylbenzyl)cysteinyl -beta-alanine
GGBGE is an abbreviation of guaiacylglycerol-beta-guaiacyl ether
GGBP is an abbreviation of globin gene-binding protein
GGCBCP is an acronym for gamma-glutaminyl-S-(4-chlorobenzyl)cysteinyl -phenylglycine
GGCPH is an abbreviation of 1-gamma-L-glutamyl-2-(2-carboxyphenyl)hydrazine
GGCPH is an abbreviation of gamma-glutamyl(o-carboxy)phenylhydrazide
GGDP is an abbreviation of geranylgeraniol diphosphate
GGMDA is an abbreviation of N(2)-(gamma-D-glutamyl)-meso-2,2' -diaminopimelic acid
GGT is an acronym for gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase
GGTP is an acronym for gammaglutamyl transpeptidase
GH is an acronym for growth hormone
GH RF is an acronym for growth hormone releasing factor
GH RH is an acronym for growth hormone releasing hormone
GHABP is an abbreviation of glial hyaluronate-binding protein
GHC is an acronym for Group Health Cooperative
GHLPU is an abbreviation of gluconohydroximo-1,5-lactone-N-phenylurethane
GHMD is an abbreviation of glutathione hexane maleimide
GHP is an acronym for green hemeprotein
GI is an acronym for gastrointestinal
GI tract is an acronym for gastrointestinal tract
GIB is an acronym for gastrointestinal bleeding
GIFT is an acronym for gamete intrafallopian transfer
GIKS is an acronym for gastrointestinal Kaposi's sarcoma
GIP is an acronym for gastric inhibitory peptide
GIP is an acronym for gastric inhibitory polypeptide
GIP is an acronym for giant interstitial pneumonia
GIP is an acronym for glucose insulinotropic peptide
GIP is an acronym for glucose-dependent insulin-releasing peptide
GIP is an acronym for gonorrheal invasive peritonitis
GIPL is an acronym for glycoinositolphospholipid
GIT is an acronym for gastrointestinal tract
GIT is an acronym for gastrointestinal transit
GIT is an acronym for glucose infusion test
GIT is an acronym for glucose-insulin therapy
GIT is an acronym for growth inhibition test
gk is an acronym for galactokinase
GL is an acronym for Gilbert-Lereboullet
GL is an acronym for glandula
GL is an acronym for glomerular layer
GL is an acronym for glycosphingolipoid
GL is an acronym for granular layer
GL is an acronym for greatest length
gl. is an abbreviation of glandula
GLAST is an acronym for glutamate-aspartate transporter
Glc is an abbreviation of glucosidase
GlcAsn is an abbreviation of glucosylasparagine
GlcNAc is an abbreviation of N-acetylglucosamine
GlcSph is an abbreviation of glucosylsphingosine
GLDH is an abbreviation of glutamate dehydrogenase
GLI is an abbreviation of glicentin
GLI is an acronym for glucagon-like immunoreactivity
GLNH is an acronym for giant lymph node hyperplasia
GlnRS is an acronym for glutaminyl-t-ribonucleic acid synthetase
GlnRS is an acronym for glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase
GLP is an acronym for glucagon-like peptide
GLP is an acronym for gravity line position
Glu is an abbreviation of glutamic acid
glucosaminyl-mdp is an acronym for glucosaminylmuramyl dipeptide
GLURP is an acronym for glutamate-rich protein
GluSGP is an abbreviation of glutamyl Streptomyces griseus proteinase
Gly is an abbreviation of glycine
Gly is an abbreviation of glycyl
glyceryl PABA is an acronym for glyceryl-p-aminobenzoate
GM is an acronym for gastrocnemius medius
GMBS is an abbreviation of N-(gamma-maleimidobutyryloxy)succinimide
GMF is an abbreviation of glial maturation factor
GMP is an acronym for guanosine monophosphate
GMPD is an abbreviation of glucosaminylmuramyl dipeptide
GMT is an abbreviation of geometric mean titer
GMT is an abbreviation of geometric mean titre
GMT is an abbreviation of Greenwich Mean Time
gn is an acronym for glomerulonephritis
GnRH is an abbreviation of gonadotropin releasing hormone
GnSAF is an acronym for gonadotrophin surge-attenuating factor
GnSIF is an acronym for gonadotropin surge-inhibiting factor
GOBAB is an acronym for gamma-hydroxy-beta-amino-butyric acid
GOD is an abbreviation of glucose oxidase
GOR is an acronym for gastroesophageal reflux
GOS is an acronym for Glasgow Outcome Scale
Got is an acronym for glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase
Got is an acronym for glutamine oxaloacetic transaminase
gov is an abbreviation of government
gov is an abbreviation of governor
GP is an acronym for general paresis
GP is an acronym for general practioner
GP is an acronym for glycoprotein
GP110 is an acronym for glycoprotein 110
GP30 is an acronym for glycoprotein 30
GP32 is an acronym for glycoprotein 32
GP41 is an acronym for glycoprotein 41
GP64 is an acronym for glycoprotein 64
GPA is an acronym for glycophorin A
GPA is an acronym for grade point average
GPB is an acronym for glycophorin B
GPC is an acronym for gastric parietal cell
GPC is an acronym for gel permeation chromatography
GPC is an acronym for giant papillary conjunctivitis
GPC is an acronym for granular progenitor cell
GPC is an acronym for guinea pig complement
GPDantu is an acronym for glycophorin Dantu
GPDGlcDAG is an acronym for glycerophosphoryldiglucosyldiacylglycerol
GPe is an acronym for globus pallidus externalis
GpGp is an abbreviation of guanylyl-(3'-5')-3'-guanylic acid
GPI is an acronym for general paralysis of the insane
GPI is an acronym for general paresis of the insane
GPI is an acronym for Gingival-Periodontal Index
GPi is an acronym for globus pallidus internalis
GPI is an acronym for glucosephosphate isomerase
GPI is an acronym for glycophosphatidylinositol
GPI is an acronym for Gordon Personal Inventory
GPI is an acronym for guinea pig ileum
GPIa is an acronym for glycoprotein Ia
GpIb is an acronym for glycoprotein Ib
GPIIb is an acronym for glycoprotein IIb
GPIIIb is an acronym for glycoprotein IIIb
GPIV is an acronym for glycoprotein IV
GPL is an acronym for glycopeptidolipid
GPNAase is an abbreviation of glycylproline 4-nitroanilidase
GppNHp is an acronym for guanyl-5'-y1-beta-gamma-imidodiphosphate
GPR is an acronym for gamma-glutamylphosphate reductase
GPR is an acronym for gastropyloric receptor
GPR is an acronym for general practice residency
GPR is an acronym for germination protease
GPR is an acronym for glucose production rate
GPR is an acronym for good partial response
GPR is an acronym for G-protein-coupled receptor
GPSA is an abbreviation of guanidinopropylsuccinic acid
GPT is an acronym for glutamate-pyruvate transaminase
GPT is an acronym for glutamic pyruvic transaminase
GPT is an acronym for guinea pig trachea
GPTase is an acronym for guanosine phosphotransferase
GQ is an acronym for galloylquinate
gr is an abbreviation of grain
gr is an abbreviation of gravity
Grad. is an abbreviation of gradatim
GRCM is an abbreviation of glucocorticoid receptor complex modulator
GRF is an acronym for growth hormone-releasing factor
GRGDSPK is an acronym for glycyl-arginyl-glycyl-aspartyl-seryl-prolyl-lysine
GRGES is an acronym for glycyl-arginyl-glycyl-glutamyl-serine
GRH is an acronym for gonadotropin-releasing hormone
GRH is an acronym for growth hormone-releasing hormone
gRNA is an acronym for guide ribonucleic acid
GRP is an abbreviation of gastrin-releasing peptide
GRP is an abbreviation of glucose-regulated protein
GRPP is an abbreviation of glicentin-related pancreatic peptide
GRT is an acronym for gastric residence time
GRT is an acronym for general recognition theory
GRT is an acronym for giant retinal tear
GRT is an acronym for Gingival Recession Total
GRT is an acronym for Grasp and Release Test
GRU is an abbreviation of glucocorticoid-responsive unit
Grx is an acronym for glutaredoxin
GRx is an acronym for glutathione reductase
GSA is an acronym for Giardia lamblia-specific antigen
GSA-II is an acronym for Griffonia simplicifolia agglutinin II
GSBP is an abbreviation of glycosylation site-binding protein
GSDHP is an acronym for 7-glutathionyl-6,7-dihydro-1 -hydroxymethyl -5H -pyrrolizine
GSH is an acronym for glomerular stimulating hormone
GSH is an acronym for golden Syrian hamster
GSL is an acronym for glycosphingolipid
GSR is an acronym for galvanic skin response
GSR is an acronym for generalized Shwartzman reaction
GSR is an acronym for glutathione reductase
GST is an acronym for glutathione-S-transferase
GT is an acronym for gait training
GT is an acronym for gastrostomy
GT is an acronym for generation time
GT is an acronym for genetic therapy
GT is an acronym for gingiva treatment
GT is an acronym for Glanzmann's thrombasthenia
GT is an acronym for glucose therapy
GT is an acronym for glucose tolerance
GT is an acronym for glucose transport
GT is an acronym for glucosyltransferase
GT is an acronym for glucuronyltransferase
GT is an acronym for glutamyl transpeptidase
GT is an acronym for glutathione transferase
GT is an acronym for glycosyltransferase
GT is an acronym for glycyl-L-tyrosine
GT is an acronym for glycyltyrosine
GT is an acronym for granulation tissue
GT is an acronym for great toe
GT is an acronym for greater trochanter
GT is an acronym for group tensions
GT is an acronym for group therapy
GTase is an abbreviation of glucosyltransferase
GTF is an acronym for glucosyltransferase
GTH is an acronym for gonadotropic hormone
GTN is an acronym for gestational trophoblastic neoplasia
GTN is an acronym for glomerulotubulonephritis
GTN is an acronym for glyceryl trinitrate
GTP azidoanilide is an acronym for guanosine triphosphate azidoanilide
GTP is an acronym for glutamyl transpeptidase
GTP is an acronym for guanosine triphosphate
GTPase is an abbreviation of guanosine triphosphate phosphohydrolase
GTPase is an abbreviation of guanosinetriphosphatase
GTPE is an abbreviation of 1-(1-glycero)tetradeca-1,3,5,7,9-pentaene
GTT is an acronym for glucose tolerance test
GU is an acronym for gastric ulcer
GU is an acronym for genitourinary
GU is an acronym for glucose uptake
GU is an acronym for glycogenic unit
GU is an acronym for gonococcal urethritis
GU is an acronym for gravitational ulcer
GUD is an acronym for genital ulcer disease
GVH is an acronym for graft versus host disease
GVHD is an acronym for graft versus host disease
GVHR is an acronym for graft-versus-host reaction
GX is an acronym for glycinexylidide
Gy is an acronym for grey
GYN is an abbreviation of gynecologic
GYN is an abbreviation of gynecological
GYN is an abbreviation of gynecologist
GYN is an abbreviation of gynecology
GZ is an acronym for germinal zone

Note: Sharing a smile is good for your health.

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